POLAND 3 New Postings

Shane Gilchrist O hEorpa shane.gilchrist.oheorpa at GMAIL.COM
Thu Oct 12 21:41:43 UTC 2006


Another problem here is that its likely Lucynas computer is a PC and
yours is a Mac.

Mac can be a real nightmare for people who are sooooo used to PCs etc.

Is there someone "bisexual" here  - who knows PCs and MACs very well?
Especially in word/pdf stuff etc


On 12/10/06, Valerie Sutton <signwriting at mac.com> wrote:
> Hi Lucy -
> This is the sad part...the files look fine on your computer,
> including the MicroSoft Word document, because you have the fonts
> installed on your computer's operating system...but my operating
> system did not recognize your Word file's fonts and replaced the
> unusual symbols (for English), with an underscore...so when I open
> the Word file I cannot see what you see on your computer...so without
> a document in front of me to copy, I cannot reproduce the words
> because I do not know what the symbols look like, that are missing...
> I need a picture of each page from you...but better yet...if you
> create a new PDF and EMBED the font so my computer's operating system
> doesn't change the PDF...to embed a font is a little complicated and
> requires Adobe Acrobat Professional (possibly)...do you own that
> program?
> Val ;-)
> --------
> On Oct 12, 2006, at 1:49 PM, Lucy wrote:
> > Val, if you want to fix the text by yourself, you can just compare
> > the text of the pdf file to that in the Word file. The latter is
> > correct :-). Hmm, but I can't see "e" in your Polish keyboard...
> > Hmmm, let me make a new pdf document...
> > Lucy
> >
> >
> >
> >> SignWriting List
> >> October 12, 2006
> >>
> >> Lucy - On my Mac Intel machine, I can type directly in Polish.
> >> Keyboard entry from a multitude of foreign languages and scripts are
> >> available in the operating system. Here is a screen capture of the
> >> Polish keyboard available to me. The problem is that I do not know
> >> what symbols to type in the spaces that appear blank in your
> >> document...what a shame I do not know Polish, or I could help you fix
> >> this on my end...
> >>
> >
> >

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