Italics for Proper Names in SignWriting?

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Oct 26 16:54:10 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
October 26, 2006

Hello Bill, Stefan and Steve!
The solution, I feel, for the equivalent of a capital letter for  
Proper to someday program it so we can make a Proper Name  
BOLD or SignWriting.

We already have seen Italicized SignWriting and BOLD SignWriting when  
using TrueType Fonts

and it can be read beautifully!

So I vote for italicization of Proper Names in the future...

Just one more thing to program this may take time...but that is  
my vote...

Val ;-)


On Oct 26, 2006, at 9:32 AM, Bill Reese wrote:

> Val,
> Excuse me for jumping in here but I found the question about the  
> personal pronoun a bit intriguing.  I have problems understanding a  
> name sign as I may not recognize it as one.  Some sort of mark to  
> indicate it would help out - at least for me.
> After considering a few shapes and positions, and figuring that  
> Stephen would probably prefer a single stroke, I had to wonder if a  
> curved line would work, similar to this but without the top line:
> <08-02-001-01-05-01.png>
> A curved line that transitions to straight would be easy to make  
> and is similar to the movement used in the ASL for "introduction".
> Bill
> Valerie Sutton wrote:
>> 2. A horizontal line under a sign, when writing in vertical  
>> columns, means a hypen -  like this -  so underlining your name,  
>> when you wrote from left to right in SignWriter DOS did not hurt  
>> anything, because when you write from right to left it didn't mean  
>> anything else because a hyphen is vertical in that case, but now  
>> that you are writing down, the horizontal line means something  
>> means a you need to find another way to mark  
>> a Proper Name when writing vertically...I personally see no need  
>> to mark a Proper Name because I can see that it is a Sign Name  
>> pretty easily without any underlining, but anyway, if you must  
>> mark that we need to find another way to do that when writing  
>> vertically...why not use a color to mark the Proper Name for your  
>> students? You can color signs, before creating the PDF in the PDF  
>> you could make all Proper Names red or green or  
>> whatever color you want!

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton
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