FRENCH-SWISS questions on writing signs

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Wed Apr 11 23:20:42 UTC 2007

SignWriting List
April 11, 2007

Adam, these video clips are truly fantastic. You look great, and they  
are so clear! I am really impressed with this!

And the Google site is great. As you know, we already have four  
SignWriting videos posted on GoogleVideo...If you search for  
SignWriting there, you will find them.

I think these new video clips should be named with SignWriting in the  
title later too, if we can somehow place a SignWriting caption with  
the written sign directly on the James Short did  
with the YouTube software that gave us captions of Little Miss Muffet  

Then we could build a library of SignWriting videos on GoogleVideo  
that all would be found if you search for the word SignWriting or  
Sign Language...

Val ;-)


On Apr 11, 2007, at 4:04 PM, Adam Frost wrote:

> Here are the links (I hope that they are live):
> Association 
> docid=7556618787221419734
> Fête
> Centre culturel des sourds 
> docid=6588608287273903585
> Inauguration 
> docid=2022891649074556667
> Fondation
> Foyer
> (Salles) différent 
> docid=-8749843082243101828
> Théâtre
> Anny, if you can, can you send the signs that I wrote to the list.  
> I can't seem to find them.
> Adam
> On 4/11/07, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod <acpg at> wrote:
> WOW!!!
> great job!!
> Looking forward to seing you there! (look at the swiss LSF by ADAM  
> and discover what Adam's look like!!) smile
> thanks Val for all this discussion on video recording.... Hope I'l  
> soon find somthing working!!! (I'll let you know)
> Anny
> Le 12 avr. 07 à 00:09, Adam Frost a écrit :
>> I have filmed myself of each sign. I am uploading to Google right  
>> now. I will send you the links as soon as I can.
>> Adam
>> On 4/11/07, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod < acpg at> wrote:
>> Val
>> Adam helped me writing down and correcting these signs from the  
>> video.
>> THANK YOU so much for this help!
>> I wish I could share the video with the list.... it' always so  
>> nice to learn from other's questions!!
>> I'll manage to get permission next time... or send videos  
>> myself... so I won't have any problem with this!!
>> I'll ask permission to send the result of this work to the list so  
>> that anyone can see what this SignWriting page looks like in the  
>> swiss french journal of the deaf!
>> Thanks val and adam for your precious help
>> Anny
>> Le 11 avr. 07 à 22:22, Valerie Sutton a écrit :
>>> SignWriting List
>>> April 11, 2007
>>> Dear SW List!
>>> Anny from French-Switzerland has a big project of writing lots of  
>>> signs from videos. We do not have permission to share the videos  
>>> with you, but we can share the writing of signs and we will do  
>>> our best to explain what is going on with each
>>> So in the next few messages I (and possibly Adam) will be posting  
>>> different ways of writing some of the signs that Anny mentions  
>>> look for the next will be interesting!
>>> Adam - I am going to prepare an email focusing on Fête  
>>> next...want to take the second one yourself? I will comment on  
>>> the signs video necessary...
>>> So the sign for Fête is coming next message...Val ;-)
>>> ---------
>>> On Apr 8, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod wrote:
>>>> Val
>>>> if you have time... would you give a look to this video.... of  
>>>> the following signs... (9 signs for the journal Fais-Moi Signe  
>>>> (FMS) of may). The last sign /EXPOSITION/ won't be used.... and  
>>>> was replaced by another one called /grillades/ ("barbecue" in  
>>>> english I guess)
>>>>> Fête
>>>>> Centre culturel des sourds
>>>>> Inauguration
>>>>> Rénovation
>>>>> Fondation
>>>>> Foyer
>>>>> Salles polyvalents
>>>>> Théâtre
>>>> I've written them on Puddle 1.5... . (these are the last signs I  
>>>> worked on... you can all find them on "FMS5)
>>>> I really need your help on the 7th ... for the sign "salle  
>>>> polyvalente"... I separated the two signs included in it /SALLE/  
>>>> and /différent/
>>>> I would really appreciate to have your opinion on how I wrote  
>>>> the signs!!
>>>> Thanks
>>>> ANny
>>>> PS sorry.. I'm not sure if I have permission to post the video  
>>>> on the list.... I didn't get in touch with the signer.....  
>>>> that's the reason why I send it to you personnaly and not to the  
>>>> list!
>>>> Début du message réexpédié :
>>>>> De : "Leuzinger Martine" <mlm8 at >
>>>>> Date : 8 avril 2007 22:39:45 GMT+02:00
>>>>> À : "Anne-Claude Prelaz" < acpg at>
>>>>> Objet : Fw: mini dico du mois de mai
>>>>> Thème: Centre culturel des sourds
>>>>> Fête
>>>>> Centre culturel des sourds
>>>>> Inauguration
>>>>> Rénovation
>>>>> Fondation
>>>>> Foyer
>>>>> Salles polyvalents
>>>>> Théâtre
>>>>> Grillade
>>>>> Tu peux voir la vidéo .mov en pièce jointe
>>>>> Délai: 15 avril 2007
>>>>> Amicalement
>>>>> Pierrot
>>>> <PICT0002.MOV>
>>>> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
>>>> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
>>>> 1271 Givrins
>>>> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
>>>> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
>>>> mail: acpg at
>>> Val ;-)
>>> Valerie Sutton
>>> Sutton at
>>> 1. SignWriting
>>> Read & Write Sign Languages
>>> 2. SignBank
>>> Create Sign Language Databases
>>> 3. SignPuddle
>>> Create Sign Language Dictionaries
>>> 4. SignText
>>> Create Sign Language Documents
>>> 5. SignWriting List
>>> Technical Support: Ask questions to the List
>>> 6. DanceWriting
>>> Read & Write Dance Movement
>>> 7. MovementWriting
>>> Read & Write All Body Movement
>>> 8. SymbolBank
>>> International Movement Writing Alphabet
>>> 9. Non-profit Organization
>>> Center for Sutton Movement Writing
>>> SignWriting Literacy Project
>>> The DAC, Deaf Action Committee
>>> Center For Sutton Movement Writing
>>> an educational nonprofit organization
>>> P.O. Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038, USA
>>> tel             858-456-0098    fax 858-456-0020
>>> D-Link Videophone:
>>> Skype Name: valeriesutton
>> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
>> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
>> 1271 Givrins
>> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
>> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
>> mail: acpg at
> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
> 1271 Givrins
> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
> mail: acpg at

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