question on signPuddle

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod acpg at VTXNET.CH
Tue Dec 4 13:10:59 UTC 2007

Val and Adam

thanks for your answer

I was asking because I wanted to get back to some vocabulary I did  
entered in the swiss Puddle quite a long time ago..... and I wanted  
to get all the signs written one specific date (instead of having to  
search by words into the whole dictionnary... ) I would have found it  
much easily.... but I'll have to find another solution

Steve is there a way to search by the source.... or date....?

thansk for letting me know
Le 3 déc. 07 à 16:39, Valerie Sutton a écrit :

> SignWriting List
> December 3, 2007
> Hello Anny and Adam!
> Thank you for the question, and thanks Adam for the good  
> answer...and your answer seems correct to me...
> Of course Steve is needed to confirm this...
> For me...I have never once clicked on the All button, because I  
> assumed that meant all of the recently added signs from a certain  
> date...
> To really receive an accurate and full listing of ALL the signs in  
> a SignPuddle, there are two ways I do that...
> 1. Click on Search by Words.
> In the search field, type an asterisk *.
> Press the Search Button.
> All the signs will list by words.
> or...
> 2. Click on Search by Signs.
> In the search field, type an asterisk *.
> Press the Search Button.
> All the signs will list by signs.
> The second method is slower than the first. The second method will  
> sort the signs by Sign-Symbol-Sequence (SSS) for those signs that  
> have added SignSpelling data...
> So just don't use the All Button for now...Try one of the methods  
> above...
> Hope this works for you -
> Val ;-)
> --------------
>> On Dec 3, 2007, at 7:24 AM, Adam Frost wrote:
>>> Anne,
>>> All links to that page because the Puddles are getting quite  
>>> large and to display all of the signs in the Puddle would take  
>>> forever to load. So now you can view up to 100 of the most resent  
>>> signs added, or those that were added in the past month. Are  
>>> those not enough? Do you need/want a more amount or long time  
>>> frame (ie 200 or last 2 months)?
>>> Adam
>>> PS This is my understanding of your question. If I am wrong in my  
>>> answer, I am sure Steve and/or Val will let you know the correct  
>>> answer. ;-)
> ----------
> On Dec 3, 2007, at 2:50 AM, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod wrote:
>> dear Steve	
>> when I work into the swiss signPuddle.... I can view the lateste  
>> signs written....usually when I click on all (/tous/ in french) I  
>> should access all the words in the dictionnary...but when I click  
>> on this biutton I get back to this page....I think there must be a  
>> problem?!?! can you fix it?
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Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
1271 Givrins
Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
mail: acpg at

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