multiple faces, changing eye gaze

Bill Reese wreese01 at TAMPABAY.RR.COM
Thu Jul 12 18:05:45 UTC 2007

In English, we might say "As she was opening the box she turned to the 
audience with an expression that said, "Look!"."   Are we into grammar 
here?  Could a sign conceivably have "grammatical space" where things 
like this could be put?  For instance, could the face be smaller to give 
it a certain meaning?  Also, in English we use words like "as", "while", 
"after", etc. to give a meaning of time.  These words have no meaning 
apart from the rest of the sentence.  Could signwriting do the same?  Do 
we have a sign for "as" that could be used with the face to indicate 
that one look, not associated with the sign itself is being given during 
the sign?  Could we even give meaning to the expression so that we could 
put the face apart from the rest of the sign, perhaps a bit smaller with 
the sign for "look!" in parenthesis next to the face?


Valerie Sutton wrote:
> I believe I found the sign on the video that coordinates with this 
> writing...It is attached.
> I believe you are trying to show, with the double eye-gaze, that you 
> first look down at your hands down-diagonal, and then turn to look at 
> the audience and that is the eyegaze forward? And the question 
> is...what about the timing of those head movements and eyegaze, since 
> one happens after the other? I need time to think about this one ;-))
> Any ideas anyone? Val ;-)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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