Ron's Bible files

Jerry Spillman jzs at XMISSION.COM
Sat Jun 30 14:49:47 UTC 2007

Dear Ron, Val, and the entire LIST,

All the .sgn and .pdf files relating to Ron and the Deaf Church's 
translations have been temporarily copied to my Xmission FTP site.  All 
files located here can be downloaded by your browser from the following 
ftp location (free):

just put the file name at the end of that string, as in this example:

This would download the file for 1 Corinthians 7:4.  Filenames are not 
quite the same as Ron's originals, due to the archiving conventions 
required on that site, and that of the cyberjer sites, but all the files 
have been stored at this ftp location.  All the files there are 
available for you, so if you can use them, please do so.  Any material 
such as html files are copyrighted simply to protect the design 
information, however, you are free to use any materials you find here.

I belive you can download a group of files simply by using wildcards * 
and ? in the appropriate places in the file name, such as *.pdf, or 1co?.pdf

Jerry Spillman, Webmaster, Sign Bible Site
mailto:jzs at

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