ASL dictionnary <-> french translation ?

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod acpg at VTXNET.CH
Tue Jun 12 20:36:48 UTC 2007

Helo Jonathan

I know about the "*" search option.... and i't no problem for me to  
look up words written in english.... but then how could I translate  
this page into french (for deaf friends who don't know english... BUT  
would like to access to ASL)

I didn't find a solution right now.
I'm interested into your' new programm... but I guess it has nothing  
to do with SignPuddle ?!?!?! am I wrong ??
I'd love to know more about it... so keep us informed!!

Le 12 juin 07 à 20:31, Jonathan a écrit :

> Hi Anne-Claude,
>     How did Steve's suggestion about searching with "*".  I think it 
> ´s the best available option at the time.  My new program is going  
> to support up to two spoken translations per vocabulary  
> SignLanguage list at any one time. (will be able to be translated  
> into many languages but only displays or prints two at a time at  
> most).  It will be fully searchable in any of the selected  
> languages.  It´s a takeoff from my previous program that only  
> supported ASL with English and Spanish.   But alas my program not  
> quite ready yet. :-(       It is coming along well.  I am working  
> on being able to choose the symbols and draw signs.
>     But it´s good to know that it can be useful to others who what  
> to learn foreign sign languages.
> Jonathan
> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod wrote:
>> Val
>> one of the deaf woman here plans to go to the US and wanted to  
>> learn some ASL signs in the Puddle dictionnary.... but she said  
>> she just can't do it because it's all written in english!!
>> is ther a way I could add the french translation beside the  
>> english word ??
>> I told her I was going to ask you!!
>> Anny
>> Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
>> ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
>> 1271 Givrins
>> Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
>> Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
>> mail: acpg at

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod
ruelle des chambres chaudes 1
1271 Givrins
Tel ++41/22.362.52.37
Fax ++41/22.362.52.66
mail: acpg at

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