TAL special issue on sign language modelling and processing
Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa
Wed May 2 20:12:26 UTC 2007
Thanks for the message. At the moment, neither I nor my students are
having activities related to SignWriting (unfortunately :-( ).
All the best,
Antônio Carlos
Valerie Sutton wrote:
> SignWriting List
> May 2, 2007
> Thank you, Antonio Carlos, for this information.
> I hope we can submit something...
> There will be a presentation of SignPuddle 1.5 to a research lab here
> in San Diego on May 31st, and there is a second research lab in
> California interested in possibly using a SignPuddle server for Sign
> Language document-analysis in the future, so I am not sure how to write
> this as a submission, but I will contact them to see if they will be
> interested in co-authoring something with me...
> There are also two new projects using SignWriting and SWML to animate
> figures, both in other countries...so I will inform them of this too...
> and even the discussion of Wikipedias in Sign Languages might be
> appropriate...
> Are any of your students working on computerization with SignWriting in
> Brazil?
> Always interested to know about your projects ;-)
> Val ;-)
> ------------
> On May 2, 2007, at 11:58 AM, Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa wrote:
>> Val and everybody,
>> There will be a special issue of a French journal (Traitement
>> Automatique des Langues) that will publish academic research papers
>> on sign language modelling and processing.
>> Below is the call for papers, in case somebody becomes interested
>> in submitting his/her research results.
>> All the best,
>> Antônio Carlos
>> ---
>> GUEST EDITORS: Christian CUXAC and Patrice DALLE
>> Sign language studies are now emerging from their specific and
>> confidential territory to meet up with ongoing research on natural
>> language both from a linguistic and computer science viewpoints. The
>> number of specific colloquia is quickly increasing, and research on
>> sign language being presented in non specialised colloquia. The study
>> of sign language is providing insight on language phenomena and is
>> therefore of interest to more than specialised linguists. The fields
>> of computer vision and avatar synthesis are now entering research on
>> sign languages. Will Natural Language Processing also participate?
>> In France, the status of Sign language has changed, with the law voted
>> in February 2005, and the right to use French Sign Language (LSF) in
>> all aspects of the life of a deaf person. Its teaching is now allowed
>> in education and there exist teaching programs inspired from the ones
>> for European languages. So, there is a need for knowledge to
>> describe, present and teach sign language.
>> With Internet, tools for Natural Language Processing are now part of
>> the life and development of a language. Sign languages should be
>> usable on Internet to communicate, to get informed, and even for sign
>> language learning. This requires robust and efficient applications
>> respectful of the specificities of sign languages. These requirements
>> will only be met if these applications rely on elaborate models and
>> precise formalization of sign languages.
>> From a linguistic point of view, formalization and computerization of
>> sign languages are especially appealing : the study of a different
>> medium should highlight the universal aspects of human languages but
>> also the aspects specific to sign languages, by for instance providing
>> corpora, and more or less automatic annotation and analysis tools.
>> Submission to this special issue should address the automated
>> processing of sign languages as well as formal models which lead to
>> processing tools.
>> - semantics and pragmatics of sign languages;
>> - iconicity and semiotics of sign languages : models and
>> formalisation of iconicity;
>> - lexicon, morphology and syntax of sign languages;
>> - sign language phonology;
>> - representation of sign languages;
>> - sign language analysis and generation;
>> - models for sign languages issued from logical, symbolic or
>> statistical methods;
>> - computer aided translation between sign languages and spoken
>> languages;
>> - human computer interaction in sign language;
>> - tools and resources for sign languages;
>> - automated analysis and indexing of video corpora of sign
>> languages;
>> - image processing and modelling for sign languages;
>> - modelling and generation of avatars for sign language synthesis.
>> (see http://www.atala.org/)
>> The journal TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues) is an
>> international journal published since 1960 by ATALA (Association pour
>> le Traitement Automatique des Langues) with the support of the
>> CNRS. It is now becoming available in electronic form, with print on
>> demand. The reading and selection process remain unchanged.
>> Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French. French-speaking
>> authors are requested to submit in French.
>> (Authors wishing to submit a paper are invited to send an email
>> including the title and authors of their proposal to dalle at irit.fr
>> and retore at labri.fr as soon as possible and not lalter than June 15th )
>> June 25th 2007 Deadline for submission
>> December 19th 2007 Notification to authors
>> October 19th 2007 Deadline for submission of revised version
>> Contributions (25 pages maximum, PDF format) will be sent by e-mail to
>> both editors at the address below:
>> dalle at irit.fr
>> Style sheets are available for download at
>> http://tal.e-revues.com/appel.jsp
>> Christian Cuxac (Université Paris 8)
>> Patrice Dalle (IRIT, Université Toulouse 3)
>> Jenny Benois-Pineau (Université de Bordeaux)
>> Annelies Braffort (CNRS, LIMSI, Orsay)
>> Georgette Dal (Université de Lille III)
>> Antonio Da Rocha Costa (Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brasil)
>> Brigitte Garcia (Université Paris 8)
>> Sylvie Gibet (Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes)
>> Agnès Millet (Université Grenoble 3)
>> Carol Neidle (University of Boston, USA)
>> Anne-Marie Parisot (UQAM, Montréal, Canada)
>> Elena Pizzuto (CNR, ISTC, Roma, Italy)
>> Annie Risler (Université de Lille III)
>> Richard Sabria (DYALANG, Université de Rouen)
>> Marie-Anne Sallandre (Université Paris 8)
>> Alessandro Zucchi (Universtià degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
>> --
>> Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa
>> Escola de Informática
>> Coord. Mestrado em Ciência da Computação
>> Programa de Pós-graduação em Informática
>> Universidade Católica de Pelotas
>> http://ppginf.ucpel.tche.br
Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa
Escola de Informática
Coord. Mestrado em Ciência da Computação
Programa de Pós-graduação em Informática
Universidade Católica de Pelotas
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