TrueType Font for Mundbildschrift?

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Thu May 10 19:43:13 UTC 2007

SignWriting List
May 10, 2007

Hello Stefan and Everyone!

Wonderful! Thank you for this answer. Yes...Your English is  
completely understandable! Never worry about your English...

And I think Birgit Jacobsen's publication of your Handbook on  
SignWriting is terrific.

People can buy it on our SignWriting web site now:

SignWriting Handbook

and also Birgit's yellow publication on German signs, which includes  

So maybe someday we will be able to sell your TrueType font for  
Mundbildschrift on our web site too?...

I think someday that could become popular for teaching lip reading  
and speech, not only in Germany, but in other countries too...

Perhaps Birgit's publishing house might benefit from that too...

No matter what...I am happy it works so well for your students in  

And I was proud to mention it to my audience yesterday...

Val ;-)


On May 10, 2007, at 12:25 PM, Stefan Wöhrmann wrote:

> Dear Valerie,
> "Do you have a TrueType font for Mundbildschrift?"
> yes - of course - smile I use it almost every day in my lessons.
> During my kindergarden - workshop the persons who were allowed to  
> use it
> felt thrilled to see the "miracle" that typing on the key for the  
> capital A
> will lead to a Mundbildschrift Symbol that represents a long vowel "A"
> while pushing the key for the lower "a" will show the "Sound- 
> symbol"  for a
> short "a"
> Well I even constructed/designed the appropriate combinations for the
> english sounds - as far as we German would pronounce it - smile -
> One problem is - that Birgit asked a layer for the patent on this  
> Font and
> that is the reason that I hesitate to offer it for free download on  
> the
> website ...
> Birgit has take a high financial burden to print the "Handbuch" and  
> we still
> are far away from the point that she gets her moneay back. So I  
> would like
> to apologize and to count on your understanding that I should try  
> to support
> her whereever I can to get her money back ...
> But what would and should be possible is to just offer a TT -Font  
> sample
> that shows ssome of these Mundbilder so that you can see what it  
> looks like
> to write "danke" or "thanks" ...
> And - no - it does not go along with the keyboard - it is much more
> sophisticated and complicated and that is the reason that  
> Mundbildschrift
> will become very popular and successful at schools and at  
> speechtraining
> facilities. That i the point that the hearing who got familiar with  
> the way
> how we try to represent speech sounds with letters do not reflect  
> the aspect
> that often you cannot trust your ears ... So in the future  
> Mundbildschrift
> will offer a first step to focus on the auditory aspect of a spoken  
> word and
> afterwards the student will have to learn the standard for the  
> transcription
> in letters!  This is a very exciting and psychologicaly most  
> interesting
> aspect of this invention. It will support in the future not only deaf
> children but more likely hearing children with problems in writing and
> spelling ...
> So I had to create a new chart that comes along with the TT-Font  
> which will
> show where to find a given Mundbildschrift-symbol that goes along  
> with a
> specific given sound - examples of words with this sound will be  
> included.
> "I think a way to type Mundbildschrift, by typing spoken language on a
> normal keyboard, could spread the idea that lip reading can be read
> visually on paper now.."
> Ja absolutely and that is what people in this field attracts to  
> this new
> branch ...
> Stefan ;-)
> (hopefully my english is good enough that there is no risk for  
> emotional
> disturbance or misunderstanding - just give me the bonus of  
> understanding
> and read between the lines -
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-sw-l at
> [mailto:owner-sw-l at] Im Auftrag von Valerie  
> Sutton
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007 20:26
> An: sw-l at
> Betreff: [sw-l] TrueType Font for Mundbildschrift?
> SignWriting List
> May 10, 2007
> Stefan -
> Do you have a TrueType font for Mundbildschrift?
> I am sure you probably thought of this long ago!!
> The typist could type German words, or English words, and get the
> symbols for the Mundbildschrift instead?
> Does Mundbildschrift have a one-to-one correspondence with each
> letter on the keyboard?
> A little like typing fingerspelling with our TrueType
> could type a spoken language and the fingerspelling symbols appear...
> Fingerspelling Fonts
> If you have a Mundbildschrift TrueType font, could we receive
> permission in some way, to allow people to use it? Whatever you  
> want...
> I told people about Mundbildschrift yesterday at my presentation and
> there was interest in it...
> I think a way to type Mundbildschrift, by typing spoken language on a
> normal keyboard, could spread the idea that lip reading can be read
> visually on paper now..
> Val ;-)
> Mundbildschrift
> <thanks.gif>

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