Sign Puddle problem

Ronald Dettloff signpreach at SBCGLOBAL.NET
Fri Jan 25 02:12:58 UTC 2008

Please note:

As you already know there are two different buttons when the user goes into Sign Mail,  which have different results:

1. Print to PDF

2. PDF

I do not use # 2 because I do not want to make a PDF file at that point. By pushing #1 I am able to copy and paste most of the signs without any problem. If I use #2 then all the signs are copied as a unit and I lose the ability to edit in Microsoft Word.  After I am finished in M.S. I convert the final product to a PDF document for the general public.

But trying to follow what you are experiencing...

I follow all the way up to the Add now your document is added to SignPuddle. But instead of then pushing the SignMail button, what about pushing the ColumnMaker button? Then in ColumnMaker, you can copy and paste full columns into Microsoft Word as graphics files, without creating a PDF...

Is that what you want to do? Or do you want to make a PDF? Because you could be copying and pasting the columns as graphics files directly to Microsoft Word from ColumnMaker without making a PDF first...

Look forward to hearing from you further...

Val ;-)


On Jan 24, 2008, at 4:12 PM, Ronald Dettloff wrote:

Very often when using Sign Puddle I have the following problem:

Copy into which Sign Puddle
Reload current page
Sign Mail
Print to PDF

Copy and Paste into Microsoft Word (at this point, not always but often and up to three signs will not paste into my word processor. This is very annoying.

In order to get around the problem I have to re-paste the signs that did not transfer individually by:
clicking on PDF

(that loads makes the sign PDF, of which I copy and paste from Adobe to Microsoft)

What is the cause of this glitch? Why won't all the signs transfer together. The file we make saves fine on the Sign Bible site but not to my word processor. This is very time consuming.

Thanks for all your help,


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