Deaf Church Videos with ASL Subtitles on YouTube

Ronald Dettloff signpreach at SBCGLOBAL.NET
Sat Mar 29 13:07:09 UTC 2008

We'll try that. Thanks for the suggestion.
Rev. Ronald H. Dettloff, 20880 Ten Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
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----- Original Message ----
From: DAC SignWriting <dac at>
To: SignWriting List <sw-l at>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 5:45:11 PM
Subject: Re: [sw-l] Deaf Church Videos with ASL Subtitles on YouTube

On Mar 28, 2008, at 2:24 PM, Ronald Dettloff wrote:Yes, we know how to do that with the English but we haven't figured out how to do it with the signs. Maybe something could work if we manipulate the signs before we transfer them to our program. We are forced to put the signs underneath the video instead of on top. With PowerPoint we can make clearer signs but we want to put signs on top of videos instead of still shots.

To have Yellow signs on a black background, you can do that in SignPuddle right now....

1. Click on the Customize Button, if it is an individual sign...or click on the ColumnMaker button if it is a sign-sentence

2. Change the color of the background to black...

3. Change the color of the signs to yellow...

White on black does not work yet in SignPuddle, but other colors, such as Yellow or Light Blue on black does work...

See attached diagram...

Then copy it into your video....

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