ISWA Hand Groups

Jonathan y Yolaine joyoduncan at GMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 26 17:53:24 UTC 2008

Valerie Sutton wrote:
> SignWriting List
> September 26, 2008
> On Sep 26, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Jonathan y Yolaine wrote:
>> I hadn't realized that group 6 has been called Baby Finger all 
>> along.  I guess I just remembered that each of the hand groups go by 
>> the ASL numbers from 1 to 10.  But now that I realize that their 
>> official names are a bit different, it all makes more sense to me.
> Hello Jonathan and everyone:
> Yes, the 10 Hand Groups are "loosely" based on the ASL numbers from 1 
> to 10:
> Group 1: Index Finger
> Group 2: Index and Middle Fingers
> Group 3: Index, Middle and Thumb
> Group 4: Four Fingers
> Group 5: Five Fingers
> Group 6: Baby Finger (starts with Baby Finger Down like in the number 
> 6 in ASL, but then other sub-groups follow)
> Group 7: Ring Finger (starts with Ring Finger Down like in the number 
> 7 in ASL, but then other sub-groups follow)
> Group 8: Middle Finger (starts with Middle Finger Down like in the 
> number 8 in ASL, but then other sub-groups follow)
> Group 9: Index and Thumb (starts with Index and Thumb touching like in 
> the number 9 in ASL, but then other sub-groups follow)
> Group 10: Thumb
> Group 6 starts with the "Baby Finger Down" like the number 6 in 
> ASL...but then it has other sub-groups after that, including "Baby 
> Finger Up" and so forth...
> There is nothing perfect about the grouping, other than it does follow 
> a general logic, and is loosely based on ASL numbers 1-10 to help 
> people find handshapes...some of the sub-groups in Group just 
> have to remember where they are goes Baby Finger Down and 
> then Baby Finger Up and then other combinations of Baby Finger 
> with....another Baby Finger with Thumb...and so forth .
Hi Val,
    I think I was missing the fact that they are "loosely" based on ASL 
numbers.  Now that you explain it this way it makes so much sense.  It´s 
great that there are only 10 groups even if the symbols don't exactly 
look like the ASL numbers!  It very ingenious :-)

> Val ;-)
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