SignWriting Question...from Deaf Church in Michigan

Adam Frost icemandeaf at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 3 20:22:14 UTC 2009

It took me some work to get it working. (And to be honest, I really  
don't know how I did it. Ha!) The part that is being asked about is  
when Jesus commands the multitudes to sit in ranks of fifties and one  
hundreds. I would read it as 3 groups in the three lanes as I had  
written before. I wish that I could get stills of what I am seeing,  
but I haven't figured out how to stop the video at the right times.  
Partly because he signs the second and third part really fast. Here's  
the stills that I have.

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On Jul 3, 2009, at 12:03 PM, SignWriting wrote:

> Except the question was asked on Skype, without my seeing the  
> video...but Ron has just given us the information about finding the  
> video, so I went to this location and put in the correct verse, but  
> my Mac does not play the video...
> Go to Deaf Missions site:
> Enter following verse in box:
> Mark 06_30-44
> it says I do not have the right version of RealPlayer even though I  
> have downloaded the latest version, so...this used to happen a lot  
> so I purchased the videos of the Bible translation from Deaf  
> Missions that they are transcribing from, so now I have the DVD but  
> now I have to find that exact sign in the video clip...haven't  
> gotten there yet!
> Obviously writing exactly what is on the video is the best way to  
> go, but sometimes questions are asked in general...
> Writing multiple times like that sometimes would result in a new  
> "combination movement symbol" in the past...for example...rotation  
> symbols placed in a "circle design" could become a combo symbol in  
> time if it happened a lot, but this is the first time I have had a  
> question about doing one sign 6 or 12 times...
> Anyway...if I find the video I will tell you all...
> Val ;-)
> -------
> On Jul 3, 2009, at 10:00 AM, Cherie Wren wrote:
>> Well, then, the answer becomes simple...  how did they sign it in  
>> the video?  Write it that way. ::grin::
>> cherie
>> (not terribly helpful, I realize.)
>> From: SignWriting <signwriting at>
>> To: SignWriting List <sw-l at>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2009 5:25:37 PM
>> Subject: Re: [sw-l] SignWriting Question...from Deaf Church in  
>> Michigan
>> SignWriting List
>> July 2, 2009
>> On Jul 2, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Cherie Wren wrote:
>> > You wouldn't really sign it that way.  If I am signing "we offer  
>> 6 classes in various locations all over," I would still only repeat  
>> the sign CLASS 3 times, max.  When I get into details about what  
>> the 6 locations are, I still wouldn't sign class with 6 repetitions  
>> in a row....  Is this an artistic thingie?  Or is there some other  
>> weird non-linguistic reason to be signing it that way?
>> > Given that there is a reason for doing this (I'll assume... ;-) I  
>> would sign the repetitions in an arc, like you show with three reps  
>> in one of your attached pics.
>> > cherie
>> -----
>> Hi Cherie -
>> When I was asked the question, that was my immediate  
>> reaction..."was this really necessary to really sign six different  
>> times or 12 different times?", but they are transcribing the Bible  
>> from a video made by Deaf Missions, and I believe they must have  
>> signed it that way on the assuming we have to write it  
>> 6 or 12 times, the question is, how best to do that?...thanks for  
>> your input about the repetitions in an arc...
>> Val ;-)
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