New Jersey School for the Deaf 5th graders will learn SignWriting

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Mar 10 20:46:53 UTC 2009

SignWriting List
March 10, 2009

Thank you, Carl, for this message. It is great to hear from you...

Yes, I am pretty excited about a new school for the Deaf in the US  
learning you know, Cherie Wren has introduced  
SignWriting briefly at the Georgia School for the Deaf, and the  
SignWriting Literacy Project was used for around 5 years in the  
Albuquerque Public Schools for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing programs  
there...but this is the first time in New Jersey, and what I find  
great, is the fact that the Marie Katzenbach School for the Deaf in  
Trenton is the old alma mater of Lucinda O'Grady Batch, our Deaf ASL  
teacher on the Lessons in SignWriting Video that is fun  
for all of us...including the Deaf students, who will have a good role  
model to look up to, in Lucinda on the videos and dvds and her photos  
are also throughout our textbooks...

SignWriting is also taught in other schools, in Quebec, and Germany  
and Belgium and Brazil, and yes, of course Nicaragua...

And how are you Carl? And where are you located in the US?

Cherie will be teaching SignWriting in a workshop on the Cat in the  
Hat in Birmingham, Alabama, at the end of March...27th and 28th I  

Val ;-)


On Mar 10, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Carl Jones wrote:

> Wow, Val, that's fantastic news!
> Looks like SignWriting is picking up the pace.  You'll have to keep  
> us informed of this.
> I saw a programme on TV not long ago about Nicaraguan Sign Language,  
> and I saw - in the background, SignWriting written on the board, so  
> I'm glad that it's going to be used (or used more?) in an academic  
> setting within America.  It's about time. :-)
> Carl :-)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Valerie Sutton" <sutton at>
> To: "SignWriting List" <sw-l at>
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:49:26 -0700
> Subject: [sw-l] New Jersey School for the Deaf 5th graders will  
> learn SignWriting
> SignWriting List
> March 10, 2009
> Dear SW listers!
> I am happy to tell you that I just shipped two large boxes of books,  
> videos and dvds to the New Jersey School for the Deaf, in Trenton  
> (the Marie Katzenbach School for the Deaf)...
> 24 5th graders will be learning SignWriting, with four  
> the request of Deaf teacher Camille Lorello.
> Welcome Camille, and everyone at the Marie Katzenbach School for the  
> Deaf!
> I hope next week to meet the students and teachers by videophone or  
> Skype. Let's make an appointment, Camille...write to me with a good  
> time for the meeting...
> Skype Name: valeriesutton
> D-Link Videophone:
> Look forward to it!
> Val ;-)
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