question dictionnary /encyclopedy

Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod acpg at VTXNET.CH
Tue Oct 27 11:14:00 UTC 2009

Dear Val, dear list members,

as you know I've been working on adding signwiritning to the  
dicitonnary of

I completed all words :-)))))))......... and started a new  
challenge..... starting to write down the different definitions of the  

for example..... the sign for ADN (DNA) in french swiss sign language  

if you look in the dictionnary you will see the word in LSF and on its  
right you have the handshape, the signwriting , and the definition....  
if you click on definition..... you've got an explanation which  
explain what ADN (DNA) means

I inserted my transcription info the swiss encyclopedy (I used the  
translate button quite a lot to produce this..... added the missing  
sign with SignMaker.....)


Is there a way I could (into the encyclopedy)

A- copy the sign (which is into the actual dictionnary) (I know it's  
possible... with the copy button....)
B- insert a signtext definition below (still using the translate  
button..... as I don't want to re-write all signs every time....)

so that people who would look into the encyclopedy would get the  
official sign AND the definition below

is there a way for me to copy this signtext section (definition opf  
DNA) under a sign transcription for the word DNA
-> copy signtext under an existing entry into the encyclopedy

I don't know if I explain myself clearly

maybe there's a much simpler way to do this ?!?!

looking forward to reading your answer!



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