Finger Direction is Meaningful

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Dec 2 02:49:30 UTC 2010

SignWriting List
December 1, 2010

Regarding finger direction -

Finger direction is meaningful - and there are times when it is useful to write a handshape a little on the diagonal, so you can see the fingers projecting down.

Sometimes signs can be flexible. They can be understood with the same meaning, whether they are exactly projecting forward, or directed toward the diagonal. In these cases, if the diagonal position is just as acceptable, and the fingers look more like they are pointing in the proper direction, then the symbol can be written on the diagonal or to the side and it is easier to read.

In the new book that Adam Frost and I are writing, we have a page at the end of each chapter called "Finger Direction is Meaningful:

SignWriting Hand Symbols Manual

Here is a sample page:

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