QUESTION...Curved arrows that hit the Front Wall Plane

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Mon Dec 6 00:39:57 UTC 2010

SignWriting List
December 5, 2010

Hello Stefan -

You are so smart!!

You are right that there is a difference between all three of these symbols -

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So I need to remake the video discussing the differences between three symbols, not just two - ha!

That will have to be for another day - but thanks so much for pointing this out to me - The movement that I showed on the video is actually the Symbol Number 3 in the attached diagram - you are right about that - going side, forward, and then side, and forward...

The symbol number 2 in the attached is side, and then a forward-up curve, then side again, and then a forward-up curve, and then side again...used in storytelling...

I am too rushed now on other jobs to make another video but at least I hope I have explained this in words -

Val ;-)


On Dec 5, 2010, at 2:49 PM, Stefan W?hrmann wrote:

> Hi Valerie, 
> the quality of the video is wonderful!!! 
> I agree about the spelling of movement number 2. 
> For the first performance - moving forward and to the left or to the right I
> would vote for a different movement-arrow  - see attached gif
> Stefan

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