SignWriting Course June-July 2010

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Jul 10 15:20:11 UTC 2010

SignWriting List
July 10, 2010

Dali, you are doing a great job. These are hard little phrases to write. And this is fun to compare our writing ;-)

As you can see by the attached, I saw these three signs placed over to the right side of the body, so by placing the three signs to the right of the Facial Circle, I was able to establish that position. This is not a "Right Lane". Lanes are used in sign sentences as a part of grammar. But there are signs that are placed a little to the right or left of center, still within the Center Lane, and this felt that way to me. You can write a Shoulder Line, to establish right or left placement, or the Facial Circle, or Head Circle...they all give the reader the feeling of center, and the fact that the signs are over to the right a little bit...

And Finger Direction is fascinating...

The first sign looks like another sign that we see often for "person" where the fingertips are directed upwards and the index finger is over to the right, but in this case she did not sign it that way...maybe it is her personal style, it is hard to know, because this is a foreign sign language for me, but because her fingers are directed straight front at all times and do not point upwards, I wrote the palm facing differently - a lot depends on if you know the sign language or not...and I can certainly understand why you assumed she meant the sign with the fingers pointing upwards...

So all this is a matter of choice for the writer, and I am enjoying writing these lovely video clips from There are there more. Val ;-)

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