Binary SignWriting revision 3 update

Steve Slevinski slevin at SIGNPUDDLE.NET
Wed Jun 16 19:06:07 UTC 2010

Hi Adam,

Unfortunately, it's a 2 step process right now.

The first page converts BSW 2008 to BSW 2010:

The second page converts BSW 2010 to BSW 3:

Section 4 of the conversion document links to both pages.

Speaking of conversions, building on the idea of encoding the symbols, 
but not the layout, I've created 2 different markups that will be able 
to use my proposed Unicode implementation.  One Cartesian and the other 
Polar.  These markups can be created from any SignPuddle data. 

If we consider "Hello world." in ASL...

The Cartesian markup uses XY coordinates, where the coordinates 
represent the top,left of the symbol position.

SignWriting Cartesian Markup
B-19,-293,-11 B-11,12-18,-106,-7-2,-30

The Polar markup uses degrees and distance from the center of the sign, 
where the coordinates represent the center of the symbol position.  12 
o'clock is 0° and increases clockwise.  So 3 o'clock is 90°, 6 o'clock 
is 180, and 9 o'clock is 270.  It may be very interesting to analyze the 
Polar markup.

SignWriting Polar Markup
B330°16129°14 B169°21252°680°1119°21

Thought I'd share,
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