Recording of Valerie Sutton's Presentation, Nov 10 2010, Tunisia

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Nov 11 19:03:06 UTC 2010

SignWriting List
November 11, 2010

Thank you, Yuri, for these two postings on your YouTube channel - this is so fast (smile) - it would not have happened with you - Val ;-)

SW Presentation in Tunisia

SW Presentation PowerPoint Slides

I just subscribed to your YouTube channel - smile -

Val ;-)


On Nov 10, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Yuri Barreto wrote:

> Hello!
> I made a short video presentation in ppt.
> Each slide has approximately 5 seconds, the light that left the file.For those interested simply pause / play to accompany the text.
> Link:
> --- Em qua, 10/11/10, Thor Malmjursson <lightningstrike35 at LIVE.NL> escreveu:
> De: Thor Malmjursson <lightningstrike35 at LIVE.NL>
> Assunto: Re: Recording of Valerie Sutton's Presentation, Nov 10 2010, Tunisia
> Data: Quarta-feira, 10 de Novembro de 2010, 23:12
> Hi all!
> If you want the video captioning Valerie, let me know and I'll process it for you.  Shouldn't take too long, I do CC on Youtube anyway for other people and for myself, shouldn't be a bother :)
> Regards from the UK, and I'm pleased that Stefan is up and working again!
> Thor
> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 14:33:30 -0800
> From: sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
> Subject: Re: Recording of Valerie Sutton's Presentation, Nov 10 2010, Tunisia
> SignWriting List
> November 10, 2010
> Hello Yuri!
> Do you really think that video is good enough? It is so English oriented and there were no Deaf people or interpreters there in the audience that I could see from Skype anyway - but if you think so that is fine - there was no use for me to sign in ASL, since the presentation was in Tunisia to a very multi-lingual audience - so I am not sure how "Deaf" it will seem to the YouTube world, but it
>  certainly is me discussing the SignWriting Encyclopedia Project - what is needed is for me to do the English captions on the screen - that would at least help those who can read English -
> Have you visited our SignWriting on YouTube?
> SignWriting on YouTube
> Maybe you would like to subscribe?
> Val ;-)
> -------
> On Nov 10, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Yuri Barreto wrote:
> > Hi Valerie!
> > 
> > Participation in the event was amazing!
> > 
> > I'll try to upload the video to YouTube ... Suddenly, can you do just that, and spread to the entire planet!
> > 
> > Well, I'll have to watch it a few times three, why can not quite understand the "Spoken English", ha!
> > 
> > Hugs
> > 
> > --- Em qua, 10/11/10, Valerie Sutton <sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG>
>  escreveu:
> > 
> > De: Valerie Sutton <sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG>
> > Assunto: Recording of Valerie Sutton's Presentation, Nov 10 2010, Tunisia
> > Data: Quarta-feira, 10 de Novembro de 2010, 16:02
> > 
> > SignWriting List
> > November 10, 2010
> > 
> > Hello SW List, Professor Jemni and Maher Jbali in Tunisia, Stefan, Erika, Bill and Yuri!
> > 
> > Thank you for inviting me to speak today through Skype, Professor Jemni. It was a remarkable experience. I think the technicians did a great job to get the Skype to work.
> > 
> > It was hard for me to hear, because of echos and also translators were translating into French and possibly other languages. I realize now that I need a headphone set, or a better way for me to present through Skype to larger crowds of people. Because the technicians told me to speak very loudly so they could hear me, I had to strain
>  my voice to speak loudly and get very close to the computer screen to get near the built-in microphone on the top of the computer - so if I ever present at a conference through Skype again, I will try to be prepared with better audio equipment on my end...
> > 
> > The Call Recorder software worked beautifully, Erika. Thank you so much for making this possible. Without Stefan's request for a recording, and your help with the software, the link below would not be possible.
> > 
> > Below is a download link to the recording I made of my presentation - this will show you what I heard and saw - 
> > 
> > It is too long, I believe for YouTube, Yuri. It is over 13 minutes, and YouTube's limit is 10 minutes I believe...don't know how I would post it on YouTube because it is referring to slides in the PPT...but you can download it here with the PPT slides...
> > 
> > Recording of Valerie Sutton's Presentation
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Here is a screen capture from the recording. I did it split-screen so you could see the room in Tunisia:
> > 
> > > > >

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