How to Copy Signs from SignPuddle to your computer

Bill Reese wreese01 at TAMPABAY.RR.COM
Thu Jan 20 20:02:25 UTC 2011

To add a bit to what Steve was saying, Windows Clipboard - where text 
and images are temporarily stored when you copy and paste - converts 
images to it's own supported formats.  These formats need to be 32-bit 
per pixel in order to support transparency's alpha channel.  However, on 
most systems you only get a 24-bit per pixel bitmap, which strips the 
transparency bits.  That means when you paste it, you'll get a 
background color instead of transparency.  And even if your system 
copies in a 32-bit per pixel format, the application you're pasting into 
may not accept the alpha channel and will show the background as a color.

As Steve suggests, saving the image to file will preserve it's format.


On 1/20/2011 1:59 PM, Steve Slevinski wrote:
> Hi Val and Eda,
> The black background is probably caused by an incomplete copy of the 
> image.  Basically, part of the image is not copied.  I'm not sure if 
> this is operating system level or browser level.  I was never able to 
> fix this, but there should be a work-around.
> Instead of "Copy image" from the browser, use the "Save image as..." 
> to create a file.  The new file will contain the transparent 
> background part of the image.  If this file doesn't work properly in 
> your application, then the application you're using does not fully 
> support PNG images.
> Regards,
> -Steve

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