bons tempos! rs

Eda AMORim edaamorim at HOTMAIL.COM
Sat Jan 15 18:55:33 UTC 2011

Val e lista.
Eu não enviei esses emails com imagens. Não abram pode ser virus!
Eu também recebi vários emails de imagens parecidas.
Já estou dando uma olhada para ver o que ocorreu.
Desculpem-me e obrigada!
Val list. 

I have not sent these emails with images. Virus can not open! 
I also received many emails from similar images.
I'm taking a look to see what happened. 

Sorry and thank you!

Eda Amorim
Intérprete/Tradutora e Profa. de Língua Brasileira de Sinais
Especialista em Educação de Surdos

(11) 3416-7888 
(11) 2626-4945
(11) 9168-6761 
contato at

> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 09:47:30 -0800
> From: sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
> Subject: Re: bons tempos! rs
> SignWriting List
> January 15, 2011
> Hello Eda and Everyone!
> Good morning from sunny California - and I can imagine Brazil is very sunny too... ;-))
> Thank you, Eda, for sending us these files. I cannot open them. I can see they say they are .jpg, so we should be able to see them in our email messages, but they are coming from a web site named
> Can you send us the .jpg without that web site being involved? Can you download them onto your hard drive on your personal computer first, and then send them to the List, as attached jpgs, getting them from your hard drive, rather than from the web site?
> We will find a way to see your files - I want very much to see them!
> Val ;-)
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 9:29 AM, Eda AMORim wrote:
> > 15:29:53
> > 3 anexos (total de 202,0 KB) 
> > DSC0407.JPG (69,0 KB) DSC0408.JPG (68,0 KB) DSC0409.JPG (65,0 KB) 
> > Baixar tudo
> > 
> > 
> Val ;-)
> Valerie Sutton
> SignWriting List moderator
> sutton at
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