Try this again

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Jan 20 18:04:46 UTC 2011

SignWriting List
January 20, 2011

On Jan 20, 2011, at 9:38 AM, Adam Frost wrote:

> Personally, I read the second better than the first try. I didn't notice that there was an upward crawl. It felt more like things were being stacked on top of each other. 
> Adam


Charles -
this is a very nice piece of writing - thank you for sharing with us

Great to hear from you, Adam - I agree with Adam - the second one shows the movement up...without that I would never have known you were moving up at all...

In your writing, the Shoulder Line has a darker section closer to the reader - that means that the shoulders are twisted to face the front corner (see in my attached diagram numbers 2 and 4 are shoulders facing the front corner.... the darker section means the shoulder that is closest to the reader..

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Instead you may want to have the Tilted Shoulders which slant too, but they do not have a darker section - they are number 5, 6, 7, and 8 in the attached...

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at

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