Editing SignWriting Documents Around the World

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Fri Jan 28 21:08:21 UTC 2011

SignWriting List
January 28, 2011

On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:46 PM, Charles Butler wrote:

> I cannot read ANY of the messages imbedded in this message, either Valerie's or Capovilla's. What are they in.  I read .jpg, pdf, and others.
> Charles

Hello Charles -
I posted the messages in "Rich Text", and the diagrams are .PNG. 

Rich Text is graphically better and comes into the Archive very nicely. I assume that you are using Plain Text, which does not allow email messages to have bold type, or colored type. That is why I changed to Rich Text, so I could highlight some text in bold and in color...

Or did you see the color type? If you did, then you are receiving Rich Text ok. PNGs are standard today.

I see you are at Yahoo.com for your email. In your email settings, does Yahoo give you a choice between receiving messages in Rich Text as well as Plain text? Are you reading your messages on the web at Yahoo.com?...or in Outlook Express on your computer?

Change your email settings so it accepts HTML in your email and Rich Text in your email. You will need that to accept SignMail inside your email too...

So try to change your email settings to accept HTML, MIME, Rich Text etc....

I plan to create web pages with these lessons, so you can click on that link later, once the web pages are ready...but that may be several days...

And try going to this Archive to see if you can read the messages with the visual graphics:

SignWriting List Archive 3

The last message I just posted:

Can you see the diagrams in the Archive? They are all .PNG

Val ;-)


On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:46 PM, Charles Butler wrote:

> I cannot read ANY of the messages imbedded in this message, either Valerie's or Capovilla's. What are they in.  I read .jpg, pdf, and others.
> Charles
> From: fernando capovilla <fcapovilla3 at GMAIL.COM>
> Sent: Fri, January 28, 2011 1:22:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Editing SignWriting Documents Around the World
> Wow, dear Valerie!
> That is so great!
> Thank you! Just what we needed ;-)
> Please do keep on posting them!
> Thank you!
> Fernando
> 2011/1/28 Valerie Sutton <sutton at signwriting.org>
> SignWriting List
> January 28, 2011
> Signs in these examples are written in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) and are from the book Novo Diet-Libras, Língua de Sinais Brasileira, Volume 1, Universidade de São Paulo; http://www.signwriting.org/brazil/NovoDeitLibras.html
> ------------
> SignSpelling Guideline 5:
> Surface Symbols are NOT needed in daily writing... Do not use them for everyday use ... 
> Surface Symbols are Contact Symbols. They can only be used when two hands are contacting each other or contacting another part of the body. They are used in detailed writing, when trying to show the exact surface where the contact is made...so occasionally Surface Symbols have value for detailed writing...but readers read signs without them and the writing becomes easier to read if you do not use them. 
> Here is a GOOD example of the use of a Surface Symbol below. The two hands contact each other, and the Surface Symbol shows that the right hand is on top of the left hand's surface:
> But for everyday writing, even in this correct case above, I would not write the Surface Symbol, unless there is another sign in the language that is done on another surface and could be confused with it.
> Here is an INCORRECT use of a Surface Symbol:
> In the sign above, which shows the right hand swinging forward and back under the finger of the left hand, the two hands do not touch. There is no contact, so it cannot use a Surface Symbol. The writer was trying to show that the right hand is placed "under" the left hand, but that could easily be read without the Surface Symbol... This sign is illustrated on page 359 of Novo-Diet-Libras, showing no contact.
> So here is how I would write the sign for BALANÇO (2):
> More examples of incorrect use of Surface Symbols will be listed next message...
> Learn more about Surface Symbols
> http://www.signwriting.org/lessons/elessons/less028.html
> Val ;-)
> Valerie Sutton
> SignWriting List moderator
> sutton at signwriting.org
> Post Messages to the SignWriting List:
> sw-l at listserv.valenciacc.edu
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> -- 
> Fernando C. Capovilla, PhD
> Professor Associado
> Instituto de Psicologia, USP
> Coord Lab Neuropsicolinguística Cognitiva Experimental, IP-Usp
> Av. Prof. Mello de Morais 1721
> São Paulo, SP, 05508-030
> fcapovilla3 at gmail.com
> visite-nos: http://lanceusp.hdfree.com.br/
> veja nossos novos livros em: http://lanceusp.hdfree.com.br/livros.html

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