DELEGS SignWriting Editing software, University of Hamburg Freddyfingaz83 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Oct 5 20:32:14 UTC 2011

Those links doesn't work. I'm very interest to take a look at it

From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Valerie Sutton" <sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG>
Subject: DELEGS SignWriting Editing software, University of Hamburg
Date: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 1:10 pm

SignWriting List
October 5, 2011

Hello Stefan and all of the team members at the University of Hamburg!

Oh YES... I am VERY interested in your new software and I am grateful for it - it is a real gift to the world.

As you know, I plan to tell people about your new software and web site on our SignWriting web site too...

So can you help me by answering the following 4 questions, which will help me with the web design? smile...

1. What is the "official name" of your software? Is it?:


or just software?

Imagine if I were talking to someone and I wanted to tell people about it, I would say...

"You should see this cool new software from is called Delegs software and it can be used with SignPuddle?" ...

Would that be the correct way to explain it?

2. What is the direct link to the software?

If I direct them to go to:
Deutsch lernen mit GebaerdenSchrift
Learn German with SignWriting

Then what button do they push, to go to the SignWriting Editor software? It took a little time for me to figure out where to go...

3. I tried this link:

Should I direct them to this link?

4. I see you attached a screen capture of a full sentence ...It looks great! how did you compose the full sentence? I got individual signs, but maybe I just keep typing a sentence in spoken language? I will try it!

I have more questions but this is a beginning - smile -

Val ;-)


On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:32 PM, Stefan Wöhrmann wrote:

> Hi Valerie and friends,
> well – first of all – it is not Stefan`s DelegsPage – smile – I am just a member of the team  -
> The Editor is the heart of the website. A group of very skilled software programmers is working very hard to improve the Document-Editor more and more. Now we are lucky to work with this wonderful software online. No extra installation or download of anything required. Everybody is free and invited to create his own documents. The idea is to offer bilingual documents so that the student has a chance to improve literacy. For this reason I prefer the writing from left to write (!!! – smile) You can make printouts if you create a PDF document first. Students get the chance to type the German translation of the signwriting  just beneath every line. Thanks to growing and growing dictionary (right now more than 15.000 entries)  you can go with copy and paste and create wonderful material for school. This is what I was looking for so desperately. If there are people interested in this method I can offer more information.  
> Have a great day.
> Stefan
> Von: SignWriting List: Read and Write Sign Languages [mailto:SW-L at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU] Im Auftrag von Valerie Sutton
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011 20:04
> Betreff: Re: Stefan's DelegsPage
> SignWriting List
> October 5, 2011
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Bill Reese wrote:
> That website is really nice, Stefan.  Very smooth, easy to read - the video comes through very good.   And the Signwriting editor is cool: 
> Needs a word for "war prisoner": Kriegsgefangener
> and "commander": Kommandant
> Bill
> ----------------
> Hi Bill...
> Thanks for mentioning the SignWriting Editor software that is being developed by Stefan's team at the University of Hamburg.
> I clicked on the link you provided above but it did not work for me, so I went to their site and found this link:
> .
> The number 3 was needed at the end of the link.. or perhaps you were on another page? Because I did not see the word "war prisoner" so I am not sure where you
> But you are right - this is a cool new program that will be very useful for Stefan and all teachers who use SignWriting - I started to play with it, and just typed some English words and found the signs from ASL in the was a welcome surprise...
> Here is a screen capture of my attempt to write "Hello Stefan, I....." - see attached screen capture - very easy to use software...
> I understand that some of the team members who are developing this software are on the SignWriting List? Welcome to you all, and a big THANK YOU!
>  Val ;-)
>> -----------------
>> From: Stefan Wöhrmann <stefanwoehrmann at>
>> Date: October 4, 2011 2:12:42 PM PDT
>> To: "'Valerie Sutton'" <sutton at>
>> Subject: AW: Happy Birthday to Stefan!
>> Hi Valerie and friends,
>> thank you so much for your kind attention. ... I have had a nice birthday.
>> Right now there are so many things I have to accomplish ... I have had a nice birthday.
>> At school I am working with a new group of students 3rd grade.  A lot of work to prepare all the materials that will allow them to improve articulation and literacy. Of course I use my SpeechWriting – system (Mundbildschrift)  and GebaerdenSchrift (SignWriting) and thanks to our new SignWriting – Programm and a growing SignPuddle Dictionary we can write wonderful documents.
>> If somebody is interested feel free to visit our website
>> What does "delegs" stand for?
>> "delegs" is a German acronym which stands for "learn German assisted by SignWriting". "" is the German portal for deaf people who want to improve their German language skills (not only) to boost their careers.
>> provides tools to create and exchange educational material based on SignWriting.
>> All the best
>> Stefan
> Val ;-)
> Valerie Sutton
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