Macintosh features for Deaf-Blind and Universal Access

MARIA GALEA maria.azzopardi at UM.EDU.MT
Fri Aug 31 20:02:27 UTC 2012

Hi -
could you explain briefly how the SW for the blind works? and what is your
work with this Andre'? I've looked into your SignPuddle - and it's the
only one with a blind and sighted version - how can the Blind access SW?

> SignWriting List
> August 31, 2012
> Thank you, Steve, for helping us. I figured that was the case. Restart
> your computer and then do not access the Blind icon, but always stay
> within the Sighted buttons, so you do not have the screen reversed for
> Windows. Now that you are on a Macintosh, you do not need special
> programming to see the symbols because of the Mac feature of auto-reverse
> of everything on the Mac�
> Technically we do not need the Blind buttons any longer, but I could keep
> them and make it clear that they are only for Windows, not the Mac...
> Thanks Steve!
> ------
> On Aug 31, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Steve Slevinski wrote:
>> Hi Andre,
>> Accessing the blind interface sets a value that inverts the symbol
>> colors.  This value is set as long as the session is active.  It should
>> be enough to quit the browser and restart.  If that doesn't work, please
>> reboot the computer.
>> Regards,
>> -Steve

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