AW: AW: Puzzled (Nose)

Stefan Wöhrmann stefanwoehrmann at GOOGLEMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 12 14:07:13 UTC 2012

Hi Madson


I am sorry. I do not understand. Can you copy and paste the sign you talk
about and ask again please? Do you want me to explain how I got the nose
constructed – or where I found the symbol ... or ?? 


Looking forward to reading your answer. 




Von: SignWriting List: Read and Write Sign Languages
[mailto:SW-L at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU] Im Auftrag von Madson Barreto
Gesendet: Montag, 12. März 2012 14:19
Betreff: Re: AW: Puzzled (Nose)


Hi Stefan,


As you put your nose in this sign?

In SignPuddle could not turn your nose for this position ...



Madson Barreto

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