SignWriter Studio=?windows-1252?Q?=99=3A_?=Copy and Paste signs with SignPuddle Online

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Sun Oct 28 21:31:00 UTC 2012

SignWriting List
October 28, 2012

Thank you, Jonathan, for these instructions. And I remember, Adam and I started to document the keystrokes that are available in SignWriter Studio, because there are so many possible keystrokes that if you memorize those keystrokes, it is close to a real keyboarding system for entering signs with the ISWA 2010 without using a mouse…I still have to document all that, but I want you all to know that some of Jonathan's inputting features are new and cool!

Val ;-)


On Oct 28, 2012, at 1:52 PM, Jonathan Duncan wrote:

> Copy to SignPuddle Online
> In the SignWriter Studio™ Dictionary, move to a sign the choose Copy, Copy to Sign to SignPuddle or Ctrl+Alt+C.  
> The SignPuddle will open with the copied sign displayed.
> Click on the SignPuddle you want to save the sign to.
> Paste from SignPuddle Online
> In the SignPuddle in your web browser find the sign you want to copy and paste,  
> click on the FSW link below the sign,
> copy the FSW code from SignPuddle online to the clipboard. 
> In the SignWriter Studio™ Dictionary add a new Entry by selecting Edit, Add new Entry or Ctrl-Ins. 
> Select Paste FSW from SignPuddle or Ctrl+Alt+V.  This will save the sign to the currently selected entry.
> -- 
> email: duncanjonathan at
>          joyoduncan at
> Cel Honduras: (504)3141-1171
> Tel USA: (347)875-8442 
> Skype: yojoduncan
> SignWriter Studio

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