New SignWriting App

Jake Chasan jakechasan at ME.COM
Thu Aug 8 18:53:13 UTC 2013

Hi All,

It is great that users are downloading the app. 

When you download an app from iTunes, if it is free or if it costs money, iTunes will ask you for your password. It should only happen the first time you download the app to a device. For example, if I have the app on my iPhone and iPad then I had to enter my Apple ID two times, once for each device.

When you check your iTunes account you will see the word "free" in the area that a charge would normally appear if you were downloading a paid app. Apple keeps track of both your paid and unpaid app downloads using this method.

If it is happening repeatedly when you want to use the app on a device that you previously downloaded the app to, please repost exactly what is happening and I will try to walk you through the error.

Have fun with the app.


Sent from my iPad 4G LTE

On Aug 8, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Valerie Sutton <signwriting at> wrote:

> SignWriting List
> August 8, 2013
> Thank you, Jake and Michael, for your information about Apple iTunes downloading...
> I hope you can download the SignWriting App for free, Denny -
> Val ;-)
> ---------
> On Aug 8, 2013, at 8:52 AM, Michael Utterback <mautterback at> wrote:
>> Actually it dosent matter if its free or not.  It asks me for my password everytime reggardless if its a free or paid app.  Just enter your password anyways.  It will not charge you.
>> On Aug 8, 2013 5:31 AM, "Denny C Voreck" <dvoreck at> wrote:
>>> I recently tried to install app into my iPad but it requested for my account to pay. Since it is free app, it should not be happening.
>>> Denny
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 6, 2013, at 7:41 PM, "Elena Eroshkin" <eeroshkin at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>>> > Hi Everyone!
>>> >
>>> > My name is Elena Eroshkin. I took part in the production of the SignWriting
>>> > app together with Valerie Sutton, Adam Frost, and Jake Chasan. This app is a
>>> > great tool for beginning students who want to perfect their SignWriting
>>> > skills through flash cards and quizzes. So, if you have an iPad or an
>>> > iPhone, please download this app for free:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > You can easily share this app with classmates, friends, or other interested
>>> > people!
>>> >
>>> > I hope you will enjoy this app!
>>> >
>>> > Elena Eroshkin
>>> >
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