idea for SW book

chris farman chrissignstar at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 14 19:43:42 UTC 2013


That sounds like a fantastic chapter and I would love to help take part in
that. I use BSL in SW and do not have much exposuer to this kind of
observation as here in the UK SW is not very well known. However i am
currently writing a learning manual for SW it would be very interesting to
see the same pharagraph translated.

Feel free to email/update me as you wish.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway <
erhoffma at> wrote:

> Hi all! As some of you know, I am (slowly) working on a book about SW –
> its development and use across different international sites (including the
> transnational listserv). As part of this research I’ve traveled to visit
> Valerie and some other list members, such as Stefan and Maria. I’d love to
> visit everyone on the list (at least, every one who was willing!) but
> unfortunately my limited funding won’t allow that. Still, I really want as
> many interested SignWriters as possible to participate in the book. To that
> end, I have an idea and I’m curious what you all think about it.
> What if we selected some kind of passage that all of you who were willing
> could translate into your respective sign language and write up using SW? I
> could devote a chapter of the book to these different texts, which would
> allow for a comparison across both different sign languages and different
> ways of using SW. Each writer could perhaps reflect on the choices they
> made in translating and writing their document, including perhaps how their
> backgrounds/goals affect these choices. And perhaps participants could also
> provide their own thoughts about what we can learn from the comparison of
> these texts.
> This is just my initial idea – if you have other ideas please let me know!
> Thanks!
> Erika
> --
> Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway
> Assistant Professor of Anthropology
> Oberlin College
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