What's FSW eaxctly?

Jonathan Duncan duncanjonathan at YAHOO.CA
Fri Jun 21 01:27:32 UTC 2013

On 6/20/2013 1:07 PM, Stephen E Slevinski Jr wrote:
> The first coordinate after the 'M' is the maximum coordinate of the 
> canvas (534x548) which is the bottom right.
> Next comes the unordered symbols with coordinates for top-left 
> positioning.

Steve what do you mean by unordered symbols? Aren't we using the order 
of the symbols to maintain which ones are drawn first so that we can 
maintain overlapping?

Just wanted to double check



email: duncanjonathan at yahoo.ca <mailto:duncanjonathan at yahoo.ca>
joyoduncan at gmail.com <mailto:joyoduncan at gmail.com>
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SignWriter Studio <http://www.signwriterstudio.com/>

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