Escrita de Sinais 2.0 - a course of SignWriting online...

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Thu Jun 27 22:19:32 UTC 2013

SignWriting List
June 27, 2013

Hello Madson, Raquel and everyone at LIBRAS ESCRITA….


A SignWriting course on the internet, from Brazil, is very welcome…I know this must have taken a great deal of time to develop. Thank you for doing this!

How does one register for the course online? If someone knows Portuguese and/or LIBRAS, can they attend the course?

There are SignWriting List members from Brazil and Portugal who may want to participate…

What is the link for the course?

And I am glad that the students are invited to join the SignWriting List. They all are most welcome!

Val ;-)


On Jun 27, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Madson Barreto <barretobh at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Hi Valerie and everyone,
> :D
> Is with great joy that I share with you that
> next week we will start a course online SignWriting
> named "Escrita de Sinais 2.0"
> In this first phase, the course will only hearing, but within
> few months we will prepare the course for the deaf too.
> The course has a workload of 70 hours/ class and is organized in
> five modules. The lessons will be on video. This course will teach the SignWriting
> step by step. Students will practice activities for reading and writing.
> Also be invited to participate in the SW List and contribute to this great
> user community SignWriting ...
> In the course students will also have discussion forums and communities to take questions,
> interact, make friends and share knowledge about SignWriting
> and its applications in several areas...
> We will also have a module on SignPuddle bonuses, and their numerous
> applications for day to day and also for literary publications, etc..
> In the process of registration for the course, students emphasize
> the numerous benefits that SignWriting offers for deaf and hearing,
> being a great resource for the storage of new signs, building glossaries
> in Libras for use: personal, professional or research, and many
> other applications. It will be an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Libras too...
> The course will go through various linguistics topics
> of Libras, providing participants a deepening even more on their studies and thus,
> growth in their learning, work performance, academic, social, etc..
> The course also apply recent research results of
> cognitive neurosciences, which will facilitate the study and will
> much to the development of fluency in Libras and other areas too.
> The objective of the course is to spread further SignWriting in Brazil
> and train people who will be able to apply this knowledge in their day to day
> personal or professional and also pass on this knowledge to others as
> multipliers...
> To run the course will use various technologies that enable the
> students learn the SignWriting for reading and writing on paper and on the computer.
> It will be a fantastic course!
> Once again thank you to Valerie for the support and everyone for the knowledge shared ...
> See some photos of the learning platform.
> Best regards,
> Madson and Raquel Barreto

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