
Edi Strouhal e.strouhal at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 6 23:37:29 UTC 2013


When You will have a time maybe it will bi good in Slovenian SignPuddle to
translate also menu-column on the left side. Translated words (in column) in
Slovenian we write on this way:

serch by words - Iskanje besed
serch by symbols - Iskanje simbolov
serch by signs - Iskanje kretenj
serch by groups - Iskanje po skupinah
symbol frequncy - Pogostnost simbolov
translate - Prevedi
signMaker -Napiši kretenjo
SignText - Besedilo v kretnjah
Import - Uvažaj
Export - Izvažaj
Login - Prijava
Logout - Odjava
SignPuddle UI guide - SignPuddle UI vodič
Change UI language - Spremeni UI jezik

And now I have one question for You: I was thiking that it will be very good
in Slovenian to translate your literature "SignWriting - a complete system
for writing and reading signed languages". Because we have now already some
writing Slovenian signs words I hope that it will be possible to replace
axamples with adequately Slovenian signs for different movements and signs
which are presented in this literature. What permission I need to do it?
Thank You for your answer! A nice greetings from Slovenia. Edi.

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