SLOVENIA: Translating SignPuddle User Interface
Valerie Sutton
signwriting at MAC.COM
Sat Mar 9 23:28:08 UTC 2013
SignWriting List
March 9, 2013
What a good message, Edi - No you are not a grump to me! Big smile… I can imagine you felt frustrated and I am sorry...
I guess somehow the software is locked so you cannot make the changes with the password and login you have - I am sorry I did not realize that ;-)
So I need to talk with Steve Slevinski, the SignPuddle developer, and I will write to you privately with a special login and password that gives you permission to do the work on your UI - It must be protected in a stronger way than I realized...
So I will write again to make this work for you -
Thanks for trying!!
Val ;-)
On Mar 9, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Edi Strouhal <e.strouhal at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Goog evening mrs. Val. Thank you for Your answer. I tried to folow your
> instructions. From 1-7. it works O.K. But till to item 7. It is similar if I
> should like to change existing Sign or Words in any SignPuddle Language:
> customize Sign, Copy Sign, write Sign, Sign Speling, Write Words, .... Of
> course in Slovenian dictionary I´m first loged with my user name and
> password. And I´m welcomed. Than I have choised icon SignPuddle UI, on top
> to icon Search by words and than to View all entries. Realy all terms are
> here. I choise for example terms Add and however below under word Add I can
> choise only terms: Customize Sign and Copy sign. Other icon there are no
> one. Further for example uder terms All words there are even no one icon.
> And many terms has not no one icon. It seems to me that it is not allowed
> for me to change any terms. I notify I´m login. I don´t know what problems
> are occureed? I see it´s realy symple steps to chang terms in SignPuddle UI
> but I miss icons below a terms, expecialy icon Write words an Write Sign.
> Thank you for Yor help. If maybe I grump to You, please I aplogize to you. I
> wiish You a nice day. Edi.
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