Translatewiki help

Adam Frost icemandeaf at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 24 18:52:13 UTC 2013

Yes, That is the text that is needed to be translated into ASL. That is the first one because that has been skipped several times by me. Ha! I agree that these do not have to be done in order.


On Mar 24, 2013, at 11:48 AM, Valerie Sutton wrote:

> SignWriting List
> March 24, 2013
> Thanks to you all for helping with the translation of the ASL Menus for the ASL Wikipedia - I just looked at the link Adam provided below:
> … and I see the first green box on that web page has this English text:
> ----
> The format is as follows:
> Only list items (lines starting with *) are considered.
> The first link on a line must be a link to a bad file.
> Any subsequent links on the same line are considered to be exceptions, i.e. pages where the file may occur inline.
> -----
> Adam - Does that entire paragraph above need to be written in ASL?
> If writers post their translations to the SW List, this will help enormously -
> There are other shorter ones as you can see … maybe doing the short ones first will be easier...
> Val ;-)
> ------------
> On Mar 24, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Adam Frost <icemandeaf at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>> This past discussion on "rollback" has been helpful for me. It is kind of hard to figure out how to sign some of these technical phrases in ASL because it hasn't really been done before. I realize that people may not understand how to do the translation on translatewiki (because it can be overwhelming even for me at times). But if people are interested in at least seeing if there is anything that they'd be willing to help with, here is the link to the untranslated messages of the top 500 most used messages in Wikipedia.
>> I will still pop in now and then with questions, so if you are overwhelmed by the translatewiki, don't feel obligated. We can just have the discussions of how to write these messages here anyway. ;-)
>> Adam

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