Message for Michael about server issues and PersonalPuddle

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Thu May 30 18:19:42 UTC 2013

SignWriting List
May 30, 2013

Hi Steve -
This is not your doing at all - We just need more RAM and a better machine and our ISP is going to be providing that this weekend or early next week - so it will all work out - no worries as you always say - We love SignPuddle and it will be up and running smoothly soon -

Your success in Amsterdam is so important - I just read Gerard's blog again and it is really a great discussion of what you have accomplished…

Val ;-)


On May 30, 2013, at 11:04 AM, Stephen E Slevinski Jr <slevin at SIGNPUDDLE.NET> wrote:

> My apologies to everyone.  I regret the server problems and I will help straighten things out as soon as possible.
> Regards,
> -Steve

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