help with writing an ASL sentence for an academic paper

Romero romero at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Sep 8 00:18:10 UTC 2013

Don't know about that, but thank you for your kind words Maria!

On Sep 7, 2013, at 5:13 PM, "maria galea" <signwriting.maria at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Dear Nancy!
> Thank you ever so much for your prompt reply with the sentence!! I forwarded your sentence to Terry Joyce the researcher who has asked for an ASL sentence. I'm sure he will be very grateful for it. 
> You must be the most fluent SignWriter on the globe! 
> God bless you and your work!!
> maria
> On 8 September 2013 01:56, Romero <romero at> wrote:
> <Screen Shot 2013-09-07 at 4.48.01 PM.png>
> Here's an example of an example:
> Facial expression eyebrows up, index finger points down 2x (This)
> Fingerspelling for ASL
> 2 horizontal lines for a pause
> Sign for AMERICA (fingers intertwined, making a small horizontal circle)
> Sign for SIGN (2 index fingers travel in vertical oblong circle, alternating)
> Sign for LANGUAGE ( "L" handshapes facing floor moving outward while rotating)
> 2 horizontal lines for a pause
> Sign for SHOW (flat left hand, right index touching palm of L hand, both move forward together twice)
> Sign for WRITING (flat L palm, R hand as if holding pen moves diagonal on floor plane, 2x)
> Sign for WITH (2 "A" handshapes together, baby fingers toward the floor
> Sign for SIGN (shown previously)
> Sign for WRITING (former sign for WRITE with zigzag writing movement. This is only one variation)
> 2 horizontal lines for a pause
> Fingerspelled S and W (another way to sign SIGN WRITING)
> Thick horizontal line for the end of the sentence.
> On Sep 7, 2013, at 4:41 PM, maria galea <signwriting.maria at> wrote:
>> Dear list members particularly ASL users,
>> A friend of mine who happens to be a linguist in the field of writing systems of the world is hoping to include the mentioning of SignWriting as a writing system of the world, and he has asked if someone could translate the following sentence into ASL SignWriting:
>> "This is an American sign language example written with SignWriting "
>> If you could add sign-to-meaning correspondences, syntactic factors, and lexical selection considerations would be helpful for him.
>> Thank you! It would be great if SignWriting makes its way into the academic field of writing systems, so thank you very much for helping out with this (i can't do it myself, because I'm not an ASL user)
>> best regards to everyone!
>> maria

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