[Sw-l] How to reach more people... (interpreters and linguists)

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Mon Jan 26 16:35:26 UTC 2015

SignWriting List
January 26, 2015

Thank you, André, for doing this work and I look forward to posting it and reading it - I can imagine this must have been a lot of work for you…but valuable work for the world….and I did receive your private email with the information about the book as well…Thank you so much!

I will be in touch just as soon as I can…there are so many wonderful documents to post and to share with the world…I know many people have been waiting…

Steve and I have been talking about doing a smaller SignWriting Symposium 2015 on the same dates as last time…July 21-24, 2015…but we will try to solve some of the technical problems we had before to have a smoother experience for everyone…with fewer presentations and more breaks…smile…

I still plan to edit and caption the 2014 videos and publish the 2014 proceedings just as was discussed before, plus create a smaller 2015 Symposium plan that will still provide much needed information for the world…I will keep you all informed...

Val ;-)


> On Jan 24, 2015, at 2:57 PM, André L <andre-andre at HOTMAIL.CA> wrote:
> Hello, Valerie,
> I will translate the 2008 SignSpelling Guidelines document in French this week-end and send you a copy.
> If you can eventually post it on the SignWriting French lessons page, it would be nice.
> I would like to integrate 3 pages in my comparison between SignWriting and Québec university notation system (mostly descriptions, not a writing system).
> My document is aimed for interpreters and linguists mostly with technical terms.  Clearly not an intuitive approach.  It will be a bridge between their theorical analysis system and your writing system.
> The idea being, if interpreters use the system for lexicons and SingPuddle, we may reach more people.
> André Lemyre
> Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:33:43 -0800
> From: signwriting at MAC.COM <mailto:signwriting at MAC.COM>
> Subject: Re: SignSpelling latest document
> SignWriting List
> January 23, 2015
> Hello André!
> I am glad to hear that the 2008 version of the SignSpelling Guidelines are useful to you...
> I did start writing a 2010 version back in 2010, but never finished it…So I suggest that you use the 2008 document for now…It really is adequate and the 2010 version, looking back at it, may not be necessary any way -
> And regarding the spam issue...for everyone on the SignWriting List… I wrote to the technicians at Valencia College in Florida, who are in charge of the many Lists that are housed on their servers, and it appears, as far as I can tell, they have succeeded to block the spam that was hitting our SignWriting List in the Archives - and in my own email box. I was getting concerned about it, because it was a lot on my end, but all of a sudden it is gone! So let us keep our fingers crossed they have found the solution and it holds…
> If anyone sees spam on the SW List again please tell me and we will try to block it again -
> Many thanks to the technicians at Valencia College - we are grateful for the SignWriting List and all you do for us -
> Val ;-)
> -----------
> On Jan 23, 2015, at 6:52 PM, André L <andre-andre at HOTMAIL.CA <mailto:andre-andre at HOTMAIL.CA>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for the latest document version about SignSpelling (not for SignWriting a text, only for decomposing a sign into syllables).
> Here is was I found:
> The 2008 version would suffice for my purpose (even though the previous versions are very useful!)
> http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs1/sw0066-SW-Journal-Butler.pdf <http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs1/sw0066-SW-Journal-Butler.pdf>
>  http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs2/sw0145-SignSpelling-2004.pdf <http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs2/sw0145-SignSpelling-2004.pdf>
>  http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs2/sw0145-SignSpelling-2004.pdf <http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs2/sw0145-SignSpelling-2004.pdf>
>  http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs6/sw0534-SignSpellingGuidelines-2008.pdf <http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs6/sw0534-SignSpellingGuidelines-2008.pdf>
> André Lemyre
> ________________________________________________
> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org <mailto:sutton at signwriting.org>
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> ________________________________________________
> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org <mailto:sutton at signwriting.org>
> Post Messages to the SignWriting List: sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu <mailto:sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu>
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> ________________________________________________
> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org <mailto:sutton at signwriting.org>
> Post Messages to the SignWriting List: sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu <mailto:sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu>
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Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

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