[Sw-l] [SPAM] location and nonmanual symbols

Valerie Sutton 0000001342802f5f-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU
Tue Jul 24 22:51:43 UTC 2018

SignWriting List
July 24, 2018

Hello SignWriting List and Rachel -
Thank you again for these questions - Looking at your attached screen capture of Head Circles...

There are four columns. Your statements about the meaning of the symbols in Columns 1 & 2 are correct.

Column 3 shows the Head from overhead, the Top View. When the Shoulder Line is horizontal, it means that the person is facing either the Front Wall or the Back Wall of the room. When the Shoulder Line is at a diagonal, the person is facing a front or back corner. And when the Shoulder line is vertical, the person is facing one of the side walls of a room. Column 3 symbols are a part of Sutton DanceWriting, and are rarely used in writing sign languages but they can be used.

Column 4 is the overhead Top View of the head, with a nose written to show the direction of the face. This is Expressive View, Top View.

Row 1: Face faces forward left corner (left diagonal)
Row 2: Face faces left side wall
Row 3: Face faces forward right corner (right diagonal)
Row 4: Face faces right side wall

Technically all of these symbols could have the full 8 rotated positions, but the symbols in Columns 2, 3 and 4 are not used much, and the ISWA 2010 is a large symbolset, so I included only a limited number of choices...

I hope this helps -

Val ;-)


> On Jul 16, 2018, at 11:12 AM, Valerie Sutton <0000001342802f5f-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU> wrote:
> SignWriting List
> July 16, 2018
> Hello Rachel-
> Thank you for these questions... Did you know that Adam Frost is teaching SignWriting in Brazil today and for the rest of the month of July in ParanĂ¡, Brazil? Hope you all are having fun in ParanĂ¡!
> I look forward to answering your questions as soon as I can, Rachel - Val ;-)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 15, 2018, at 2:27 PM, rchannon1 at VERIZON.NET <mailto:rchannon1 at VERIZON.NET> wrote:
>> Hi everyone, todays question is about these location symbols for the head.
>> In column one and column 2: 
>> Row 1: whole face
>> Row 2: left side of head
>> Row 3: back of head
>> Row 4: right side of head
>> My understanding is that column 2 has a gap just to allow for easier symbol placement.
>> Column 3
>> Row 1:  top of head with face pointing straight ahead (toward viewer)
>> Row 2:  top of head with face pointing to left
>> Row 3:  ????
>> Row 4:  top of head with face pointing to right
>> Column 4
>> Row 1: ??
>> Row 2: ?? 
>> Row 3: ??
>> Row 4:  ??
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Rachel
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>> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org <mailto:sutton at signwriting.org>
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> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org <mailto:sutton at signwriting.org>
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Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

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