[Sw-l] [SPAM] Re: Request for guidance - Aesthetic symbols for writing name sign (People's own sign)

Cherie Wren 000000111c1a7803-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU
Tue Jul 16 18:05:44 UTC 2019

 If you were doing this in Sign (At least in ASL, others may have some other system), rather than in writing, and you had two people that had the same name sign, you would have to index to refer to the two.  So Jeovana would be set up when she is first introduced by spelling her name, showing her name sign, and giving her a location in space, lets say to the right of the signer.  Then Alessandro gets introduced at some point, and he gets his name spelled, signed, and a location in space assigned to him.  When you refer to Jeovana after the initial introduction, you would have to use her name sign AND the index to her location in space-- THAT is how you would differentiate between her and him--  the indexing, since they both have the same name sign.  
Now, all that was for ASL, I understand your sign language will have different grammar structures-- but there should BE grammar structures for introducing name signs and referring to people who are not physically present.  Why would you not use those, just because it is in writing?
    On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 01:56:04 PM EDT, Rubens Almeida <rubens.escritadesinais at GMAIL.COM> wrote:  
 Hello Lucia, Adam, Steve, and Valerie,

Thank you very much for the guidance, I would like to look further into this.
In my book I'm finding it difficult to write the sign name of characters with the same sign and of different gender (masculine and feminine). For example, Jeovana (female) and Alessandro (male) have the same sign name, and in history, they talk to each other, so I think it's important to differentiate them by putting aesthetic symbols (eyelashes, different mouths) to help the deaf children in the reading process, in order to facilitate the difference of these characters.



Valerie Sutton
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Valerie Sutton
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sutton at signwriting.org

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