[Sw-l] The first episode of the SignWriting Stream

Stephen Slevinski slevin at SIGNPUDDLE.NET
Sun Apr 12 14:43:07 EDT 2020

Hi SignWriting List,

I successfully recorded and posted the first episode of the SignWriting 
Stream.  It's about half an hour.  Not professional. No captions yet, 
unless auto caption works. Let me know. Skip to the end to see the hand 
shapes rain.
* https://youtu.be/Z2iJEMuENVk


PS - Here are the show notes

The SignWriting Stream is a live show where we show, teach, and demo all 
about Sutton SignWriting.  The purpose of the show is to highlight our 
current efforts and offerings so that we demonstrate the value we 
provide.  If you find our work interesting or helpful, consider joining 
the Patrons of SignWriting and becoming a member on 
Patreon.com/signwriting , or donate directly to slevinski at signwriting.org

The show premise is one shot without a script.  I have five bullet 
points, a few mind-maps, and several websites.  The target audience is 
not well defined.  People who know SignWriting and sign language, don't 
care about the technical details.  People who care about technical 
details don't want to know about writing sign languages. This is why 
your feedback is so important.  What's good, what's bad, and what's 
interesting?  What topics and what formats would you like to see?

Our current infrastructure and websites need massive work with minimal 
resources.  We do what we can.  Look for improvements over time and 
updates as we continue to grow.

Stuck in the past, ready for the present, working towards the future.  
SignWriting is complex and has had massive technological churn over the 
years.  My work with SignWriting has evolved as I've built system after 
system for SignWriting with the limited technology of the day.  Over the 
years, I had to rebuild systems for the new technology of today.  Years 
later, I found out that I needed to rebuild the systems for the 
technology of tomorrow as well, so I mapped out the optimal path for 
future growth.  Building on the Sutton SignWriting Standards of 2010, 
2012 and 2017, I am hopeful and excited for the future of the Sutton 
SignWriting packages.  I am especially pleased with the 
@sutton-signwriting/core package. I will extensively demo this package 
in a future episode.

And finally, in this episode, I announce that I will be open sourcing 
SignPuddle 2 software later this year.  Before the SignBank.org website 
can be moved to the new server, SignPuddle 2 needs to be rewritten to 
use a database (MySQL or SQLite) rather than SPML.  SPML will be 
supported in SignPuddle 2 as an optional export, but it will not be 
supported in future offerings.  I can reuse the database work from 
SignPuddle 3 and I can update the software to use the font files rather 
than the slow and expensive PHP image scripts.  I will start this 
project after the simple websites are moved to the new server.  Next 
Saturday, I will move https://SteveSlevinski.me to the new server.

Thanks for reading and watching.

Other websites in this video:



Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

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