[Sw-l] Learn SignWriting with Carlos Cristian

Valerie Sutton sutton at DANCEWRITING.ORG
Wed Nov 10 19:29:06 UTC 2021

SignWriting List
November 10, 2021

Olá Carlos e todos da Lista SW - posso ver que a colaboração já está começando. Continue postando mensagens e discutindo problemas. Outros membros da lista receberão inspiração de suas discussões. E todas as mensagens são armazenadas para pesquisas futuras, nos Arquivos da Lista SignWriting. Existem 4 arquivos. Acesse: SignWriting List, https://www.signwriting.org/forums/swlist/


Hello Carlos and everyone on the SW List - I can see collaboration is already starting. Just keep posting messages and discussing issues. Other List members will receive inspiration from your discussions. And all of the messages are stored for future research, in the SignWriting List Archives. There are 4 Archives. Go to: SignWriting List, https://www.signwriting.org/forums/swlist/


> On Nov 10, 2021, at 9:35 AM, Rosana de Fátima Janes Constâncio <rojanesinterprete at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Olá Carlos
> O sinal de FEIO em Libras tem a CM em L, provavelmente porque a Libras tem origem da LSF.
> Pode ser um empréstimo linguístico, porque na Língua Francesa a palavra FEIO pode ser escrita como LAID (significa FEIO ou FEIÚRA).
> No entanto, não tenho certeza se de fato é por essa razão mesmo.
> Vamos dialogando...
> Abraços. Rosana.
>         Profª Me. Rosana de Fátima Janes Constâncio
>              Doutoranda em Letras do PPGL Unioeste
>                 Docente do curso de  Letras Libras
>         Faculdade de Educação a Distância - EaD/UFGD
>                                (67) 3410-2670
>       "E por não saber que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez."
> Em qua., 10 de nov. de 2021 às 12:29, Carlos Cristian Libras <carloscristianlibras at gmail.com> escreveu:
> Hello List!
> I am immensely grateful to Valerie Sutton for sharing my youtube channel that teaches Brazilian Sign Language using SIGNWRITING.
> In addition to the broadcast channel, I have another one that I post more often.
> Look Link - https://www.youtube.com/c/Sinaisdi%C3%A1riosdeLibras
> I take this opportunity to inform you that I am always interested in making friends from other countries that use SW.
> I like to collaborate on projects, if you are interested in collaboration or friendship don't be afraid to send me an email in private.
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 12:52 PM Valerie Sutton <sutton at signwriting.org> wrote:
> SignWriting List
> October 21, 2021
> YouTube Channel: Carlos Cristian LIBRAS
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBS6i8Z1rr7b2sq8Pybfhxw
> Here is a new video posted today - Thank you, Carlos!
> https://youtu.be/ACW7acu8C5c
> <Carlos Cristian Libras.png>
> ________________________________________________
> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org
> Post Messages to the SignWriting List: sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu
> SignWriting List Archives & Home Page http://www.signwriting.org/forums/swlist
> Join, Leave or Change How You Receive SW List Messages http://listserv.valenciacollege.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=SW-L&A=1
> ________________________________________________
> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org
> Post Messages to the SignWriting List: sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu
> SignWriting List Archives & Home Page http://www.signwriting.org/forums/swlist
> Join, Leave or Change How You Receive SW List Messages http://listserv.valenciacollege.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=SW-L&A=1
> ________________________________________________
> Valerie Sutton SignWriting List moderator sutton at signwriting.org
> Post Messages to the SignWriting List: sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu
> SignWriting List Archives & Home Page http://www.signwriting.org/forums/swlist
> Join, Leave or Change How You Receive SW List Messages http://listserv.valenciacollege.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=SW-L&A=1



Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

Post Messages to the SignWriting List:
sw-l at listserv.valenciacollege.edu

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