[Sw-l] [SPAM] Report from Steve's desk

Stephen Slevinski slevin at SIGNPUDDLE.NET
Fri Apr 29 14:49:59 UTC 2022

Hi SignWriting List,

It's spring in Iowa, USA.  I've taken a vacation from my day job to 
focus on SignWriting for several days.  My wife is on a trip and I'm 
inspired and I have SignWriting work to do.

The Legacy server appears to be running great after the migration. There 
was a security issue with the Brazilian Sign Language dictionary.  That 
issues is resolved for now.

I recently updated several JavaScript packages and I have one more to 
* https://www.sutton-signwriting.io/#production

These packages support columns with improved documentation and updated 

I am working towards an official version 1.0 of the Sutton SignWriting 
Web Components.  It will include columns for SignWriting text.  I think 
I have a way to include drag & drop between the components as well.  I 
recently found a demo using drag&drop with Stencil.  If everything works 
out, we'll be able to build SignMaker out of components rather than 
needing to use SignMaker 2022 in an iframe.  We'll also be able to build 
SignText out of components; this changes everything.

If the stars align, I can complete the work in several days.  If not, I 
hope to release by the end of May.





Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

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