[Sw-l] AULA 18 - ESCRITA DE SINAIS - Learn SignWriting in SignPuddle with Carlos Cristian

Valerie Sutton sutton at signwriting.org
Mon Mar 11 22:53:57 UTC 2024

SignWriting List
March 11, 2024

Hello SignWriting List members!

AULA 18 - ESCRITA DE SINAIS - Learn SignWriting in SignPuddle with Carlos Cristian

Today there is a new lesson on SignWriting and SignPuddle 2, taught by Carlos Cristian. THANK YOU Carlos, for this new lesson, which will be presented free online in an hour and 15 minutes… 9:00pm Brazilia time, 5:00pm California time (Pacific Daylight Time).


Aula ao vivo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-WUrEfnYtc

Hoje(11/03) às 21h teremos a aula 18 do CURSO COMPLETO E GRATUITO DE ESCRITA DE SINAIS.

Na aula de hoje iremos aprender como escrever e ler o grafema "flexão curta dos dedos"


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Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton
sutton at signwriting.org

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