[Teach-grammar] Teach Grammar list

Richard Hudson r.hudson at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Jun 18 20:08:05 UTC 2020

Hello list members. When Bas Aarts and I set up this list in 2015 we 
hoped that it would grow and prosper. Well, it's grown - there are over 
200 of you now - but it hasn't prospered, at least not in the sense of 
carrying traffic: the last message was in 2018. So we've decided to 
close it down, with thanks to the Linguist List for hosting it all this 

There's a related list (lingschool at jiscmail.ac.uk) for people who are 
keen to introduce more linguistics into schools. If you'd like to join 
that, you'll find instructions at 
https://lagb-education.org/for-enthusiasts; and if you do join it, 
please feel free to help it to prosper.

Best wishes, Dick Hudson

Richard Hudson (dickhudson.com)

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