Cfp: International workshop on linguistic fieldwork in South Asia

Anju Saxena anju.saxena at LINGFIL.UU.SE
Thu Sep 25 12:29:54 UTC 2014

*International workshop on linguistic fieldwork in South Asia*
Uppsala University
1--2 June 2015

*Call for papers*

The workshop will provide a forum for discussing issues related to 
linguistic fieldwork in South Asia, focussing on the challenges as well 
as contributions of fieldwork to descriptive linguistics. This includes 
fieldwork methods designed to illustrate complex descriptive problems, 
convey socio-culturally anchored concepts, and empirically test theories.

Invited speakers:

  * Professor Anvita Abbi (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
  * Professor Shobhana Chelliah (University of North Texas)
  * Professor Sabine Stoll (University of Zürich)
  * Dr. Bettina Zeisler (Tübingen University)

We invite researchers to submit abstracts for presentations at the 
workshop, including, but not limited to, topics such as:

  * Managing the interplay between field data and theory;
  * Striking a balance between empirical corpus-based language
    description and hypothesis-driven investigation;
  * Collecting and processing data for studying semantic distinctions;
  * Integrating sociolinguistic variables in the description of
    endangered languages;
  * Handling linguistic analysis in the context of a moribund language;
  * Preparing dictionaries of undocumented languages;
  * Collecting field data for applied linguistic studies (e.g.
    first-language acquisition in endangered languages);
  * Integrating theoretical and methodological aspects of fieldwork in
    the context of interdisciplinary research collaborations (e.g.
    anthropology, ethnobiology, geography, musicology, ICT);
  * Producing digital language data (databases, corpora, recordings) for
    linguistic analysis.

Abstracts should be one (A4 or letter) page long. A second page may be 
included for references and/or data. Abstracts -- *in pdf format only* 
-- should be sent to: <anju(d)saxena(at)lingfil(d)uu(d)se> (change the 
parenthesized expressions into the appropriate characters)

*Deadline for abstract submission*: 30 November 2014

A selected number of papers from the workshop will be considered for 
publication in the /Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics/(de 
Gruyter Mouton).

Workshop organization:
Organizer: Anju Saxena (Uppsala University)

Program committee: Lars Borin (University of Gothenburg), Michael Dunn 
(Uppsala University), Niklas Edenmyr (Uppsala University) and Colette 
Grinevald (Université Lyon 2).

More information about the workshop can be found 

Anju Saxena
Professor of Linguistics
Dept. of Linguistics & Philology
Uppsala University


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