[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Fwd: Survey: Chulalongkorn Summer School of Southeast Asian Linguistics

Mark W. Post markwpost at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 23:18:25 UTC 2015

The Department of Linguistics, Chulalongkorn University, is one of the 
biggest centers of linguistic research on Southeast Asian languages 
located in the Southeast Asian region itself. I am writing to request 
your input in our survey on a possible summer school on Southeast Asian 
linguistics. The* Chulalongkorn Summer School of Southeast Asian 
Linguistics* *2017* will be the first of its kind and a big step forward 
in the study of the Southeast Asian linguistic area. The survey should 
take no more than *10 minutes* to complete. Please help us by assessing 
the following link and complete the survey by *November 30, 2015*.


*We will highly appreciate it if you could also forward this message to 
your colleagues or students that would be interested.*

If you have any questions about the purpose of this survey, please 
contact the Department of Linguistics, Chulalongkorn University at 
+662-2184692 or email linguistics.artschula at gmail.com 
<mailto:linguistics.artschula at gmail.com>.

Thank you very much in advance for your invaluable input.


Joe Pittayaporn

Chair, Department of Linguistics,
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

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