[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] article by Yu Min on transliteration of Sanskrit into Chinese

wb (in frankfurt today) w.behr at em.uni-frankfut.de
Mon Oct 5 15:26:16 UTC 2015

Dear Nathan,

I have uploaded a PDF of the 對音譜 here

Name: 《俞敏语言学论文集》.pdf
Size: 7.4 MB
Expires: October 15, 2015
Your password is: VbCjj(80

Quality of the scans is pretty bad, but still legible.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Hill <nh36 at soas.ac.uk>
To: Linguistic analysis of the Tibeto-Burman languages List
<tibeto-burman-linguistics at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: [Tibeto-burman-linguistics] article by Yu Min on
transliteration of Sanskrit into Chinese
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2015 05:18:11 +0000

Dear Colleagues, 

If anyone happened to have a scan of this article I would be immensely

Yu Min 俞敏 1999. “Houhan Sanguo Fanhan Duiyin Pu”〈後漢三國梵漢對音譜〉
Yu Min Yuyanxue Lunwenji《俞敏語言學論文集》Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan,
1-62. (Originally published in Zhonguo Yuwenxue Lunwenxuan《中國語文學論
文選》, Tokyo: 光生館,1984.)

thank you, 


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  W o l f g a n g   B e h r (畢鶚)
  Traditional China Chair, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies
  University of Zurich, Zürichbergstr. 4, CH-8032 Zürich, +41-44-63-43180
  President, Swiss Asia Society

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