[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] few older sources on LB lgs

Nathan Hill nh36 at soas.ac.uk
Sun Dec 25 19:43:13 UTC 2016

Dear Colleagues,

If anyone has any of these in electronic format, particularly the
first one on Zaiwa, I would be very grateful.

thank you,

Chéng Mò 程黙. 1956. ‘載瓦語簡介 Zàiwǎ yǔ jiǎnjiè [Introduction to the Zaiwa
Language]’, 中国語文 Zhōngguó yǔwén [Chinese Language] 53 (November),

Hú Tǎn 胡 坦 and Dài Qìngxià 戴 庆夏. 1964. ‘哈尼於元意的松緊 Hāní yǔ yuán yīn de
sōngjǐn [Tightness in Hani Vowels]’ 中国語文 Zhōngguó yǔwén [Chinese
Language] 128.1: 77-87.

Ruì Yìfū 芮 逸夫 1948, ‘記栗僳語音兼論所謂栗僳文 Jì Lìsù yǔyīn jiān lùn suǒwèi Lìsù
wén  [Notes on the Sounds of the Lisu Language with Remarks on the
Lisu Script]’, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology,
Academia Sinica 17, 303‒326.

Gāo Huánián 高華年. 1955. 揚武哈尼語初探  yángwǔ hāní yǔ chūtàn [Preliminary
exploration of the Akha and Hani languages]. 中山大学学報  Zhōngshān dàxué
xuébào 2 (10 月) 175-230.

________. 1958. 彝語語法研究  Yí yǔ yǔfǎ yánjiū [A Grammar of the Yi
Language]. Beijing: 科学出版社  kēxué chūbǎnshè [Science Press].

Ma Hsüeh-liang 馬学良 (=MHL). 1951. 撒尼彝語研究 Sāní yí yǔ yánjiū [Research on
the Sani Yi language). (語言学専刊第二種 Yǔyánxué zhuānkān, no. 2). Beijing:
中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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