[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Maru fieldwork of John Okell online at SOAS

Chris Button chris.button at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 11 04:05:50 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Some (perhaps now all) of the Luce stuff is available here: http://sealang.net/archives/luce/

Paul kindly provided me with all the Luce materials I needed when I was working on my PhD. I managed to figure out dates for most of the ones I used as noted in the references on pages 100-101 here: http://stedt.berkeley.edu/pubs_and_prods/STEDT_Monograph10_Proto-Northern-Chin.pdf

I have copies of anything listed there if not available online. Luce's "Common form in Burma Chin Languages" and "Glossary of Pre-Standard Old Burmese" were particularly outstanding.


From: Tibeto-burman-linguistics <tibeto-burman-linguistics-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Randy J. LaPolla <randy.lapolla at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 10:40 PM
To: Nathan Hill
Cc: The Tibeto-Burman Discussion List Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Maru fieldwork of John Okell online at SOAS

Forgot the attachment!


> On 11 Feb 2017, at 11:02 AM, Randy J. LaPolla <randy.lapolla at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> This is great. And it reminds me that Paul Sidwell and I collaborated quite some years ago to pay for the scanning of all of Gordon Luce’s notes and papers. I paid for all the TB stuff to be scanned, and Paul paid for the rest. I have a hard drive with 161 GB of the scans (I only have the TB materials—see the attached list; Paul may have already made the rest available somewhere). I never did anything with the language data (e.g. Qiang) because there wasn’t enough metadata to know what variety he was talking about or even what his symbols meant. I just kind of forgot about it until now. I am very happy to make it available to anyone who wants it, but currently I have no way to make it available, but I’ll see if I can use my wife’s DropBox account to make it available on line (she has 1T of space!) if people think it might be useful.
> All the best,
> Randy
>> On 10 Feb 2017, at 4:29 PM, Nathan Hill <nh36 at soas.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> We at SOAS are very grateful to John Okell for giving us permission to
>> digitized his unpublished fieldwork on Maru from 1969. Both field
>> notes and recordings are included.
>> https://digital.soas.ac.uk/maru
>> If others have historic data on Burmish languages that they would like
>> to make publicly available please do not hesitate to contact me if you
>> would be willing to have this material hosted at SOAS.
>> very best,
>> Nathan
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